From a09dd8153ca774f267aedf9f066e0a4a4033f749 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cameron Rodriguez <>
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2018 08:28:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] reduced app cycle to 15 seconds

---   | 4 ++-- | 8 ++++----
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 59a5a15..255c2b1 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Make all other modifications to the accounts you would like to interact with, an
 You will need the [Requests](, [Requests-OAuthlib](, and [BeautifulSoup]( libraries. If you have [Pipenv](, you can install them by running the command ```pipenv install``` inside the folder; otherwise, run ```pip install -r requirements.txt```.
-Add your API keys and access tokens to your environmental variables by following [these instructions]( Then, just run ```python``` in your command line and let it run! The bot respects the Twitter API limits, and will run every 60 seconds as long as the command line is open.
+Add your API keys and access tokens to your environmental variables by following [these instructions]( Then, just run ```python``` in your command line and let it run! The bot respects the Twitter API limits, and will run every 15 seconds as long as the command line is open.
 ### --> Running on Heroku
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ $ git push heroku master
 $ heroku ps:scale worker=1
-You should also install the [Logentries addon]( to notify yourself of errors or crashes. The standard pattern for error messages is ```Entering log protection mode.```
+The program will now run once every 15 seconds. You should also install the [Logentries addon]( to notify yourself of errors or crashes. The standard pattern for error messages is ```Entering log protection mode.```
 ## Forks and Contributing
diff --git a/ b/
index 7fcd4fb..e4dcf33 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ while True: # Initialize main account loop
     if original_tweet == 'crash':
     elif original_tweet is None:
-        print('No new comics found. Sleeping for 60 seconds...')
-        time.sleep(60)
+        print('No new comics found. Sleeping for 15 seconds...')
+        time.sleep(15)
     else: # Retrieve text
         [body, num_tweets] = retrieve_text(original_tweet['entities']['urls'][0]['expanded_url'])
@@ -228,6 +228,6 @@ while True: # Initialize main account loop
         else: # Successful Tweet
             del result
-            print('Sleeping for 60 seconds...')
-            time.sleep(60)
+            print('Sleeping for 15 seconds...')
+            time.sleep(15)
\ No newline at end of file