diff --git a/xkcd_alt.py b/xkcd_alt.py
index bec06d4d8b1f50f57e1a4fbdf7ad1e4ebd60b118..a85221f976f4ce89a7fd2f77be7d74a93b7f7bc2 100644
--- a/xkcd_alt.py
+++ b/xkcd_alt.py
@@ -31,13 +31,44 @@ def get_auth():
            os.environ.get('XKCD_ACCESS_SECRET_TOKEN', None)]
     for i in key:
         if i is None: # Verify keys were loaded
-            print("OAuth initiation failed: Environmental variable not found")
-            auth = 'crash'
-    if key != 'crash':
-        auth = OAuth1(key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3])
-        print('OAuth initiation successful!')
-        del key
-        return auth
-    else:
-        del key
-        return auth
\ No newline at end of file
+            print("OAuth initiation failed: Environmental variable {} not found".format(i+1))
+            del key
+            return 'crash' # Enter log protection mode
+    auth = OAuth1(key[0], key[1], key[2], key[3])
+    print('OAuth initiation successful!')
+    del key
+    return auth
+def retrieve_text(site):
+    """This retrieves the HTML of the website, isolates the image title text, and formats it for the
+    Tweet."""
+    for attempt in range(11):
+        print('Accessing {} (attempt {} of 11'.format(site, attempt+1))
+        html_raw = requests.get(site) # Retrieving raw HTML data
+        if html_raw.status_code != 200: # Data not successfully retrieved
+            if attempt < 6:
+                print('Could not access XKCD ({}). '.format(html_raw.status_code) +
+                      'Trying again in 10 seconds...')
+                time.sleep(10) # Make 6 attempts with 10 second delays
+            elif attempt < 10:
+                print('Could not access XKCD ({}). '.format(html_raw.status_code) +
+                      'Trying again in 60 seconds...')
+                time.sleep(60) # Make 4 attempts with 60 seconds delays
+            else:
+                print('XKCD retrieval failed: could not access {}'.format(site))
+                return 'crash' # Enter log protection mode
+    html = BeautifulSoup(html_raw, 'html.parser')
+    comic = html.find('img', title=True) # Locates the only image with title text (the comic)
+    if comic is None:
+        print('Title extraction failed: image not found')
+        return 'crash' # Enter log protection mode
+    title = comic['title'] # Extracts the title text
+    tweet = 'Alt/title text: "{}"'.format(title) # Construct the main Tweet body
+    print('Tweet constructed')
+    del html_raw, html, comic, title
+    return tweet
\ No newline at end of file