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    <title>In China on On My Mind...</title>
    <description>Recent content in In China on On My Mind...</description>
    <generator>Hugo --</generator>
    <lastBuildDate>Tue, 14 Oct 2008 22:46:00 -0500</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
      <title>One Year Ago</title>
      <pubDate>Tue, 14 Oct 2008 22:46:00 -0500</pubDate>
      <description>One year ago, I arrived in China. I cherish the time that I spent there, and wish I had more time to spend there.
Due to a number of issues that are beyond my control, the possibility of me getting back to China for any length of time in the future is greatly diminished.
I consider several of the people that I met in China to be close friends of mine to this day.</description>
      <title>30 Days</title>
      <pubDate>Tue, 11 Dec 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Haidian District
Beijing, China
To My Readers&amp;hellip; I have not posted in 30 days. Sorry about that&amp;hellip;
For someone who reads my blog, but has not spent time in North America, something is missing. That person is without an understanding of the North American version of &amp;rsquo;expected&amp;rsquo;. Many of my posts, especially my earliest posts, are written from a North American perspective on what is &amp;rsquo;expected&#39;.
For those of you who actually know me well, I probably mentioned that I wanted to use this site to capture first impressions&amp;hellip; things that I found interesting, because they are different from the way things are where I come from (the US).</description>
      <title>YongHeGong, Lama Temple</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Nov 2007 14:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Near ShangDi November 9, 2007
A very brave woman at work once asked me if she could show me around to some sights. So, this Friday we agreed to meet on Saturday morning, and she would show me around the area of the Lama Temple.
Morning Meeting November 10, 2007
We agreed to meet at a KFC (not &amp;ldquo;the KFC&amp;rdquo;, but one a block away) between 10:30 and 10:45. She arrived about 10 minutes after I did apologizing that she was very late.</description>
      <title>Note on Photos</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>There are many pictures that I have posted to the photos site that are not visible to the general public.
If I know you, you can sign up for an account, then Email me your login name. I will then enable your account to see the rest of the photo collections. This includes categories like, &amp;ldquo;Friends at Work&amp;rdquo; and &amp;ldquo;Friends at Hotel&amp;rdquo;.
If I don&amp;rsquo;t know you, you can still sign up for an account, but you&amp;rsquo;ll get no benefit, and will have given your Email address to another random site on the internet.</description>
      <title>Double Dragon Gorge</title>
      <pubDate>Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Very Near Shang Di
November 1, 2007
There I was, minding my own business when I got an Email. There was a team building outing that was at a &amp;ldquo;natural area&amp;rdquo;. While team-building can go either way, after another week in Beijing, a &amp;ldquo;natural area&amp;rdquo; sure sounded inviting, so I signed up.
Double Dragon Gorge Somewhere West of Beijing
Saturday, November 3, 2007
First, it&amp;rsquo;s a long way away. It took nearly three hours by bus, through mountains (and one unexpected detour due to construction).</description>
      <title>My Halloween</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 04 Nov 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Haidian District
October 31, 2007
From both my work friends and my hotel friends, there were a lot of questions about Halloween that I was not able to answer at a deep enough level. Just the cursory stuff that everyone can easily look up. Of course, what everyone was looking for was a way for me to communicate the &amp;ldquo;experience&amp;rdquo; of Halloween. To my mind, this isn&amp;rsquo;t really possible. I hope my reluctance to share hasn&amp;rsquo;t been taken as rude&amp;hellip; it&amp;rsquo;s just not easy to express&amp;hellip;</description>
      <title>Food Impressions</title>
      <pubDate>Mon, 29 Oct 2007 14:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Bread I think of bread as being anywhere between San Fransisco sourdough to rye to Wonder white. Potato Bread, cottage, Italian sesame loaf, split top country, English muffins, bagels; hard or soft, biscuits; dropped or cut. Even the low carb options that are not really bread at all would be much appreciated in this place of rice and noodles.
Wait though, it&amp;rsquo;s not that bread doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist. There&amp;rsquo;s a lot of bread here.</description>
      <title>Great Wall Hike</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 28 Oct 2007 14:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>For those who saw the pictures as they were still uploading, they now have more captions, and show up &amp;ldquo;in order&amp;rdquo;.
27 October 2007
North East Beijing Territory
Some people from work were talking about a Great Wall Hike. I was reluctantly invited to go along, after being told many times that it would be a lot of up and down, and it&amp;rsquo;s very strenuous&amp;hellip;
Gubeikou The group starts off at a break-neck pace, and I become winded almost immediately.</description>
      <title>How Time Does Fly</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 28 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>23 October 2007
8 Gate Shopping Mall
So I go alone to the KFC. I look at the choices, and the cashier gets the picture menu that they bring out for illiterates, and I point to it with two fingers and very haltingly say, &amp;ldquo;Wo You Er&amp;hellip;&amp;rdquo;
The kid behind the counter looks at me like I&amp;rsquo;m an idiot and says, &amp;ldquo;Yeah, you want two&amp;hellip; I get it&amp;rdquo;, in a perfect &amp;rsquo;lost youth&amp;rsquo;, American accent.</description>
      <pubDate>Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Check out my photos. Right now there aren&amp;rsquo;t that many, but the set will grow soon. Most of the posted photos have been mentioned in previous blog posts. I&amp;rsquo;m excited about getting a place to share them, so I&amp;rsquo;m posting about it before it&amp;rsquo;s well populated. I promise I&amp;rsquo;ll get more photos out there soon.
Credit Due&amp;hellip; Special thanks to Vital Systems Support for setting up the photo hosting.</description>
      <title>Friday Night Out</title>
      <pubDate>Sat, 20 Oct 2007 14:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>October 19
Adventures with Hairy Crab A group of people who are working in the office, none of whom are from China, decided we&amp;rsquo;d do dinner as a group. Singapore girl (whom was part of Thursday&amp;rsquo;s dinner) heard that Hairy Crab was in season and that this particular restaurant had it. A quick search on the internet wasn&amp;rsquo;t very promising, but I promised myself I&amp;rsquo;d keep an open mind. So, off we went in two cabs (there&amp;rsquo;s a four person limit per cab, and we were a party of 5).</description>
      <title>A Note To My Readers...(from China)</title>
      <pubDate>Sat, 20 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>BlogSpot and China BlogSpot and China do not appear to get along very well. This editing interface ( works intermittently, but does work most of the time. However, my page at is simply not available to me.
If you are one of the nice folks whom have posted a note, I cannot reply (I only know about them because of the moderation interface) except in this very public way (or via Email).</description>
      <title>Big Night</title>
      <pubDate>Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>After work, left with two women from the office who are also from other places and staying at the same hotel. One from Japan the other from Singapore. They also wanted to go shopping, then eat, and I didn&amp;rsquo;t have anything better to do&amp;hellip;
One Thing I Really Don&amp;rsquo;t Like In traffic back home, if someone speeds up into a merge lane, and tries to get ahead of everyone else - it&amp;rsquo;s considered rude, and overall the majority of people will not do that.</description>
      <title>Short Update</title>
      <pubDate>Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>I&amp;rsquo;m pretty much over my jet lag, but I feel like I&amp;rsquo;m getting sick. I went to bed early last night, to try to get some much needed rest. I didn&amp;rsquo;t eat dinner, but I had a huge lunch.
I had dinner two nights ago at this really great Korean style BBQ place. They cook the food right at the table. The menu has pictures and a few English descriptions which helps me a lot.</description>
      <title>Getting there is NOT half the fun</title>
      <pubDate>Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>October 14
Zhong Guan Cun District, Beijing
3:50. Really? No, can&amp;rsquo;t be. It feels like I slept all day. Yep, 4:10 AM. Still pitch dark outside. This must be that jet lag people kept warning me about.
I&amp;rsquo;m already unpacked, no chance of going back to sleep. I spend the next 45 minutes watching the end of Karate Kid 2, dubbed in Mandarin, with Chinese sub-titles. I was totally lost until the big dramatic fight scene at the end.</description>
      <title>Reporting for Duty</title>
      <pubDate>Mon, 15 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>Haidan District, Beijing There&amp;rsquo;s a building a few blocks over from my Hotel room that has strobe lights on top of it. It&amp;rsquo;s tall enough to require them if the building were in a flight path, but there are buildings as tall around it, and they don&amp;rsquo;t seem to need strobe lights. Hmph. So, I close the hotel curtains all the way. If I strain, I can still sense the strobe, but with the curtains drawn and my eyelids closed, it doesn&amp;rsquo;t exist.</description>
      <title>Welcome To Beijing...</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 14 Oct 2007 12:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>October 13
Beijing, China
Considering timezones, I landed 26 hours after I took off, with no sleep to speak of.
Looking out the windows, it wasn&amp;rsquo;t possible to see very far. This must be one of the &amp;lsquo;bad&amp;rsquo; smog days.
I remembered to take some pictures of the Airport terminal on the way to customs.
My employer was nice enough to arrange for me, a ride from the Beijing Airport to the Hotel.</description>
      <title>Getting there is NOT half the fun</title>
      <pubDate>Sun, 14 Oct 2007 04:00:00 +0800</pubDate>
      <description>October 12 Minneapolis, MN, USA
So, I&amp;rsquo;m in China for the next few months, and getting there is not half the fun.
Don&amp;rsquo;t get me wrong, it wasn&amp;rsquo;t an unpleasant flight - as flights go. It just wasn&amp;rsquo;t fun. 13 hours chasing the sun the whole way, and really not being able to catch any sleep. I was in a middle seat of a 747 - row 60 (only two rows from the absolute back), and even with my noise canceling headphones in, there was just too much light, and too much going on.</description>