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Commit 56b45b9b authored by Bram Moolenaar's avatar Bram Moolenaar
Browse files

Update runtime files.

parent df2bc27b
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*index.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 06
*index.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 21
......@@ -801,6 +801,10 @@ tag char note action in Normal mode ~
|zE| zE eliminate all folds
|zF| zF create a fold for N lines
|zG| zG mark word as good spelled word
|zH| zH when 'wrap' off scroll half a screenwidth
to the right
|zL| zL when 'wrap' off scroll half a screenwidth
to the left
|zM| zM set 'foldlevel' to zero
|zN| zN set 'foldenable'
|zO| zO open folds recursively
*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Sep 05
*intro.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 17
......@@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ Vim would never have become what it is now, without the help of these people!
I wish to thank all the people that sent me bug reports and suggestions. The
list is too long to mention them all here. Vim would not be the same without
the ideas from all these people: They keep Vim alive!
*love* *peace* *friendship* *gross-national-happiness*
In this documentation there are several references to other versions of Vi:
*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 06
*syntax.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 24
......@@ -1318,8 +1318,8 @@ FORTRAN *fortran.vim* *ft-fortran-syntax*
Default highlighting and dialect ~
Highlighting appropriate for Fortran 2008 is used by default. This choice
should be appropriate for most users most of the time because Fortran 2008 is
almost a superset of previous versions (Fortran 2003, 95, 90, and 77).
should be appropriate for most users most of the time because Fortran 2008 is
almost a superset of previous versions (Fortran 2003, 95, 90, and 77).
Fortran source code form ~
Fortran code can be in either fixed or free source form. Note that the
......@@ -1410,7 +1410,7 @@ items.
If you use F, the advantage of setting the dialect appropriately is that
other legacy features excluded from F will be highlighted as todo items and
that free source form will be assumed.
that free source form will be assumed.
The dialect can be selected in various ways. If all your fortran files use
the same dialect, set the global variable fortran_dialect in your .vimrc prior
......@@ -1444,13 +1444,13 @@ Fortran comment of the form >
For previous versions of the syntax, you may have set fortran_dialect to the
now-obsolete values "f77", "f90", "f95", or "elf". Such settings will be
silently handled as "f08". Users of "elf" may wish to experiment with "F"
The syntax/fortran.vim script contains embedded comments that tell you how to
comment and/or uncomment some lines to (a) activate recognition of some
non-standard, vendor-supplied intrinsics and (b) to prevent features deleted
or declared obsolescent in the 2008 standard from being highlighted as todo
Limitations ~
Parenthesis checking does not catch too few closing parentheses. Hollerith
......@@ -2197,9 +2197,11 @@ PERL *perl.vim* *ft-perl-syntax*
There are a number of possible options to the perl syntax highlighting.
If you use POD files or POD segments, you might: >
Inline POD highlighting is now turned on by default. If you don't wish
to have the added complexity of highlighting POD embedded within Perl
files, you may set the 'perl_include_pod' option to 0: >
:let perl_include_pod = 1
:let perl_include_pod = 0
The reduce the complexity of parsing (and increase performance) you can switch
off two elements in the parsing of variable names and contents. >
......@@ -2252,13 +2254,20 @@ If you want to fold blocks in if statements, etc. as well set the following: >
:let perl_fold_blocks = 1
To avoid folding packages or subs when perl_fold is let, let the appropriate
variable(s): >
Subroutines are folded by default if 'perl_fold' is set. If you do not want
this, you can set 'perl_nofold_subs': >
:let perl_nofold_subs = 1
Anonymous subroutines are not folded by default; you may enable their folding
via 'perl_fold_anonymous_subs': >
:unlet perl_nofold_packages
:unlet perl_nofold_subs
:let perl_fold_anonymous_subs = 1
Packages are also folded by default if 'perl_fold' is set. To disable this
behavior, set 'perl_nofold_packages': >
:let perl_nofold_packages = 1
PHP3 and PHP4 *php.vim* *php3.vim* *ft-php-syntax* *ft-php3-syntax*
......@@ -2481,7 +2490,7 @@ If you want all possible Python highlighting (the same as setting the
preceding last option and unsetting all other ones): >
:let python_highlight_all = 1
Note: only existence of these options matter, not their value. You can replace
Note: only existence of these options matter, not their value. You can replace
1 above with anything.
......@@ -2874,9 +2883,24 @@ tcsh_minlines is 100. The disadvantage of using a larger number is that
redrawing can become slow.
TEX *tex.vim* *ft-tex-syntax*
TEX *tex.vim* *ft-tex-syntax* *latex-syntax*
Tex Contents~
Tex: Want Syntax Folding? |tex-folding|
Tex: No Spell Checking Wanted |g:tex_nospell|
Tex: Don't Want Spell Checking In Comments? |tex-nospell|
Tex: Want Spell Checking in Verbatim Zones? |tex-verb|
Tex: Run-on Comments or MathZones |tex-runon|
Tex: Slow Syntax Highlighting? |tex-slow|
Tex: Want To Highlight More Commands? |tex-morecommands|
Tex: Excessive Error Highlighting? |tex-error|
Tex: Need a new Math Group? |tex-math|
Tex: Starting a New Style? |tex-style|
Tex: Taking Advantage of Conceal Mode |tex-conceal|
Tex: Selective Conceal Mode |g:tex_conceal|
Tex: Controlling iskeyword |g:tex_isk|
*tex-folding* *g:tex_fold_enabled*
Tex: Want Syntax Folding? ~
As of version 28 of <syntax/tex.vim>, syntax-based folding of parts, chapters,
......@@ -2886,24 +2910,27 @@ in your <.vimrc>, and :set fdm=syntax. I suggest doing the latter via a
modeline at the end of your LaTeX file: >
% vim: fdm=syntax
If your system becomes too slow, then you might wish to look into >
Tex: No Spell Checking Wanted~
If you don't want spell checking anywhere in your LaTeX document, put >
let g:tex_nospell=1
into your .vimrc. If you merely wish to suppress spell checking inside
comments only, see |g:tex_comment_nospell|.
*tex-nospell* *g:tex_comment_nospell*
Tex: Don't Want Spell Checking In Comments? ~
Some folks like to include things like source code in comments and so would
prefer that spell checking be disabled in comments in LaTeX files. To do
this, put the following in your <.vimrc>: >
let g:tex_comment_nospell= 1
The comment lines >
% nospell{
% nospell}
will suppress spell checking between them. These comment lines spelling
control are known to be fragile; for example, don't include any of the section
commands (\part, \chapter, \section, \paragraph, etc) inside nospell blocks
or interleave environments (such as math) across nospell blocks.
If you want to suppress spell checking everywhere inside your LaTeX document,
see |g:tex_nospell|.
*tex-verb* *g:tex_verbspell*
Tex: Want Spell Checking in Verbatim Zones?~
Often verbatim regions are used for things like source code; seldom does
......@@ -2911,7 +2938,7 @@ one want source code spell-checked. However, for those of you who do
want your verbatim zones spell-checked, put the following in your <.vimrc>: >
let g:tex_verbspell= 1
*tex-runon* *tex-stopzone*
Tex: Run-on Comments or MathZones ~
The <syntax/tex.vim> highlighting supports TeX, LaTeX, and some AmsTeX. The
......@@ -2924,7 +2951,7 @@ special "TeX comment" has been provided >
which will forcibly terminate the highlighting of either a texZone or a
*tex-slow* *tex-sync*
Tex: Slow Syntax Highlighting? ~
If you have a slow computer, you may wish to reduce the values for >
......@@ -2966,7 +2993,39 @@ selectively to enable just some syntax highlighting: >
As an example, let g:tex_fast= "M" will allow math-associated highlighting
but suppress all the other region-based syntax highlighting.
*tex-morecommands* *tex-package*
Another cause of slow highlighting is due to syntax-driven folding; see
|tex-folding| for a way around this.
Finally, if syntax highlighting is still too slow, you may set >
:let g:tex_fast= ""
in your .vimrc. Used this way, the g:tex_fast variable causes the syntax
highlighting script to avoid defining any regions and associated
synchronization. The result will be much faster syntax highlighting; the
price: you will no longer have as much highlighting or any syntax-based
folding, and you will be missing syntax-based error checking.
You may decide that some syntax is acceptable; you may use the following table
selectively to enable just some syntax highlighting: >
b : allow bold and italic syntax
c : allow texComment syntax
m : allow texMatcher syntax (ie. {...} and [...])
M : allow texMath syntax
p : allow parts, chapter, section, etc syntax
r : allow texRefZone syntax (nocite, bibliography, label, pageref, eqref)
s : allow superscript/subscript regions
S : allow texStyle syntax
v : allow verbatim syntax
V : allow texNewEnv and texNewCmd syntax
As an example, let g:tex_fast= "M" will allow math-associated highlighting
but suppress all the other region-based syntax highlighting.
*tex-morecommands* *tex-package*
Tex: Want To Highlight More Commands? ~
LaTeX is a programmable language, and so there are thousands of packages full
......@@ -2978,14 +3037,14 @@ by syntax/tex.vim. Please consider uploading any extensions that you write,
which typically would go in $HOME/after/syntax/tex/[pkgname].vim, to
*tex-error* *g:tex_no_error*
Tex: Excessive Error Highlighting? ~
The <tex.vim> supports lexical error checking of various sorts. Thus,
although the error checking is ofttimes very useful, it can indicate
errors where none actually are. If this proves to be a problem for you,
you may put in your <.vimrc> the following statement: >
let tex_no_error=1
let g:tex_no_error=1
and all error checking by <syntax/tex.vim> will be suppressed.
......@@ -3003,7 +3062,7 @@ and then to the call to it in .vim/after/syntax/tex.vim.
The "starform" variable, if true, implies that your new math group
has a starred form (ie. eqnarray*).
*tex-style* *b:tex_stylish*
Tex: Starting a New Style? ~
One may use "\makeatletter" in *.tex files, thereby making the use of "@" in
......@@ -3030,12 +3089,12 @@ In fact, only a few characters are supported as subscripts.
One way to use this is to have vertically split windows (see |CTRL-W_v|); one
with |'conceallevel'| at 0 and the other at 2; and both using |'scrollbind'|.
Tex: Selective Conceal Mode~
You may selectively use conceal mode by setting g:tex_conceal in your
<.vimrc>. By default it is set to "admgs" to enable conceal for the
following sets of characters: >
<.vimrc>. By default, g:tex_conceal is set to "admgs" to enable concealment
for the following sets of characters: >
a = accents/ligatures
b = bold and italic
......@@ -3058,7 +3117,7 @@ with one that works for LaTeX.
However, one may override this iskeyword re-setting by setting the
variable, g:tex_isk, in one's .vimrc to whatever one wishes and
it will be used instead.
TF *tf.vim* *ft-tf-syntax*
......@@ -3069,6 +3128,26 @@ set "tf_minlines" to the value you desire. Example: >
:let tf_minlines = your choice
*g:tex_isk* *g:tex_stylish*
Tex: Controlling iskeyword~
Normally, LaTeX keywords support 0-9, a-z, A-z, and 192-255 only. Latex
keywords don't support the underscore - except when in *.sty files. The
syntax highlighting script handles this with the following logic:
* If g:tex_stylish exists and is 1
then the file will be treated as a "sty" file, so the "_"
will be allowed as part of keywords
(irregardless of g:tex_isk)
* Else if the file's suffix is sty, cls, clo, dtx, or ltx,
then the file will be treated as a "sty" file, so the "_"
will be allowed as part of keywords
(irregardless of g:tex_isk)
* If g:tex_isk exists, then it will be used for the local 'iskeyword'
* Else the local 'iskeyword' will be set to 48-57,a-z,A-Z,192-255
VIM *vim.vim* *ft-vim-syntax*
*g:vimsyn_minlines* *g:vimsyn_maxlines*
......@@ -4936,7 +5015,7 @@ restoring "b:current_syntax", since the syntax files do set
Once a window has its own syntax, syntax commands executed from other windows
on the same buffer (including :syntax clear) have no effect. Conversely,
on the same buffer (including :syntax clear) have no effect. Conversely,
syntax commands executed from that window do not affect other windows on the
same buffer.
......@@ -5141,9 +5220,9 @@ When using the "\@<=" and "\@<!" items, add a maximum size to avoid trying at
all positions in the current and previous line. For example, if the item is
literal text specify the size of that text (in bytes):
"<\@<=span" Matches "span" in "<span". This tries matching with "<" in
"<\@<=span" Matches "span" in "<span". This tries matching with "<" in
many places.
"<\@1<=span" Matches the same, but only tries one byte before "span".
"<\@1<=span" Matches the same, but only tries one byte before "span".
......@@ -4808,6 +4808,7 @@ b:changedtick eval.txt /*b:changedtick*
b:changelog_name filetype.txt /*b:changelog_name*
b:current_syntax-variable syntax.txt /*b:current_syntax-variable*
b:netrw_lastfile pi_netrw.txt /*b:netrw_lastfile*
b:tex_stylish syntax.txt /*b:tex_stylish*
b:var eval.txt /*b:var*
baan-folding syntax.txt /*baan-folding*
baan-syntax syntax.txt /*baan-syntax*
......@@ -5665,6 +5666,7 @@ format-comments change.txt /*format-comments*
formatting change.txt /*formatting*
formfeed intro.txt /*formfeed*
fortran.vim syntax.txt /*fortran.vim*
friendship intro.txt /*friendship*
frombook usr_01.txt /*frombook*
ft-abel-syntax syntax.txt /*ft-abel-syntax*
ft-ada-commands ft_ada.txt /*ft-ada-commands*
......@@ -5997,10 +5999,18 @@ g:tar_nomax pi_tar.txt /*g:tar_nomax*
g:tar_readoptions pi_tar.txt /*g:tar_readoptions*
g:tar_secure pi_tar.txt /*g:tar_secure*
g:tar_writeoptions pi_tar.txt /*g:tar_writeoptions*
g:tex_comment_nospell syntax.txt /*g:tex_comment_nospell*
g:tex_conceal syntax.txt /*g:tex_conceal*
g:tex_fast syntax.txt /*g:tex_fast*
g:tex_fast syntax.txt /*g:tex_fast*
g:tex_flavor filetype.txt /*g:tex_flavor*
g:tex_fold_enabled syntax.txt /*g:tex_fold_enabled*
g:tex_isk syntax.txt /*g:tex_isk*
g:tex_isk syntax.txt /*g:tex_isk*
g:tex_no_error syntax.txt /*g:tex_no_error*
g:tex_nospell syntax.txt /*g:tex_nospell*
g:tex_stylish syntax.txt /*g:tex_stylish*
g:tex_verbspell syntax.txt /*g:tex_verbspell*
g:var eval.txt /*g:var*
g:vimball_home pi_vimball.txt /*g:vimball_home*
g:vimball_mkdir pi_vimball.txt /*g:vimball_mkdir*
......@@ -6134,6 +6144,7 @@ graphic-option-gone version4.txt /*graphic-option-gone*
greek options.txt /*greek*
grep quickfix.txt /*grep*
groff.vim syntax.txt /*groff.vim*
gross-national-happiness intro.txt /*gross-national-happiness*
group-name syntax.txt /*group-name*
gs various.txt /*gs*
gsp.vim syntax.txt /*gsp.vim*
......@@ -6614,6 +6625,7 @@ language-mapping map.txt /*language-mapping*
last-pattern pattern.txt /*last-pattern*
last-position-jump eval.txt /*last-position-jump*
last_buffer_nr() eval.txt /*last_buffer_nr()*
latex-syntax syntax.txt /*latex-syntax*
lc_time-variable eval.txt /*lc_time-variable*
lcs-conceal options.txt /*lcs-conceal*
lcs-eol options.txt /*lcs-eol*
......@@ -6667,6 +6679,7 @@ location-list-window quickfix.txt /*location-list-window*
log() eval.txt /*log()*
log10() eval.txt /*log10()*
long-lines version5.txt /*long-lines*
love intro.txt /*love*
lowercase change.txt /*lowercase*
lpc.vim syntax.txt /*lpc.vim*
lua if_lua.txt /*lua*
......@@ -7244,6 +7257,7 @@ pattern-searches pattern.txt /*pattern-searches*
pattern.txt pattern.txt /*pattern.txt*
patterns-composing pattern.txt /*patterns-composing*
pdev-option print.txt /*pdev-option*
peace intro.txt /*peace*
penc-option print.txt /*penc-option*
perl if_perl.txt /*perl*
perl-Append if_perl.txt /*perl-Append*
......@@ -8186,7 +8200,9 @@ tex-nospell syntax.txt /*tex-nospell*
tex-package syntax.txt /*tex-package*
tex-runon syntax.txt /*tex-runon*
tex-slow syntax.txt /*tex-slow*
tex-stopzone syntax.txt /*tex-stopzone*
tex-style syntax.txt /*tex-style*
tex-sync syntax.txt /*tex-sync*
tex-verb syntax.txt /*tex-verb*
tex.vim syntax.txt /*tex.vim*
text-functions usr_41.txt /*text-functions*
*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 15
*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2013 Jun 24
......@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ not be repeated below, unless there is extra information.
--- Python interface
Test 86 fails on MS-Windows. (Taro Muraoka, 2013 Jun 24)
Can we fix this in code instead of in the test?
Python: ":py raw_input('prompt')" doesn't work. (Manu Hack)
Win32: The Python interface only works with one version of Python, selected at
......@@ -51,22 +54,20 @@ Does not work, tests fail.
--- bug fixes
Do allow real tags above the !_TAG entries. Undo older patch. Issue 90.
Matches might be highlighted correctly. Inefficient patch by Christian
Brabandt, 2013 Feb 26.
Patch to use bold/italic fonts when 'guifontewide' is set. (Ken Takata, 2013
Mar 31)
Problem with winfixheight and resizing. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2011 Sep 17)
Patch Sep 18.
Patch for IME problems. Remove hacking code for old IM. (Yukihiro Nakadaira,
2012 Jul 20)
Modeline is not triggered when using Vim: instead of vim:. It's very hard to
see why it doesn't work.
Patch to fix finding toolbar bitmaps. Issue 129.
Patch to avoid clang warnings when building with Athena.
(Dominique Pelle, 2013 Jun 22)
Suggestion to remove __QNXNTO__ in gui.c. (Sean Boudreau, 2013 Jun 7)
Combining characters are not used when executing a register with :@w.
......@@ -106,6 +107,9 @@ Patch by Christian Wellenbrock, 2013 Jun 2. Update Jun 3 (second one).
Patch to fix glob() and globpath() with escaped special characters.
(Adnan Zafar, 2013 Jun 2, tests Jun 3)
Bug in findfile() directory matching. (Markus Braun Ben Fritz, 2013 Jun 20)
Patch by Christian Brabandt (2013 Jun 22)
---- Fixes to be included before 7.4 above, less important stuff below ----
Patch to make has() check for Vim version and patch at the same time.
......@@ -158,6 +162,9 @@ Patch to view coverage of the tests. (Nazri Ramliy, 2013 Feb 15)
Patch to invert characters differently in GTK. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2013 May
Patch to add "Q" and "A" responses to interactive :substitute. They are
carried over when using :global. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jun 19)
Bug with 'cursorline' in diff mode. Line being scrolled into view gets
highlighted as the cursor line. (Alessandro Ivaldi, 2013 Jun 4)
......@@ -195,6 +202,10 @@ register. It is reset after the next command. (Steve Vermeulen, 2013 Mar 16)
'ff' is wrong for one-line file without EOL. (Issue 77)
Can add a function to a dict using a weird key:
let dict['/foo'] = function('tr')
Disallow? (thinca, 2013 Jun 17)
Patch to set antialiasing style on Windows. (Ondrej Balaz, 2013 Mar 14)
Needs a different check for CLEARTYPE_QUALITY.
......@@ -268,6 +279,8 @@ MS-Windows resizing problems:
Patch to append regexp to tag commands to make it possible to select one out
of many matches. (Cody Cutler, 2013 Mar 28)
Patch to add tagfunc(). Cleaned up by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jun 22.
Help for 'b:undo_indent'. (Thilo Six, 2012 May 28)
Also question if examples are correct.
" Vim support file to detect file types
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 12
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 24
" Listen very carefully, I will say this only once
if exists("did_load_filetypes")
......@@ -930,6 +930,23 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.inf,*.INF setf inform
" Initng
au BufNewFile,BufRead */etc/initng/**/*.i,*.ii setf initng
" Innovation Data Processing
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAM.DAT,upstream.dat setf upstreamdat
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAM.*.DAT,upstream.*.dat setf upstreamdat
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.UPSTREAM.DAT,*.upstream.dat setf upstreamdat
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAM.LOG,upstream.log setf upstreamlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAM.*.LOG,upstream.*.log setf upstreamlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.UPSTREAM.LOG,*.upstream.log setf upstreamlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAMInstall.log,upstreaminstall.log setf upstreaminstalllog
au BufRead,BufNewFile UPSTREAMInstall.*.log,upstreaminstall.*.log setf upstreaminstalllog
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.UPSTREAMInstall.log,*.upstreaminstall.log setf upstreaminstalllog
au BufRead,BufNewFile USSERVER.LOG,usserver.log setf usserverlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile USSERVER.*.LOG,usserver.*.log setf usserverlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.USSERVER.LOG,*.usserver.log setf usserverlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile USW2KAgt.log,usw2kagt.log setf usw2kagtlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile USW2KAgt.*.log,usw2kagt.*.log setf usw2kagtlog
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.USW2KAgt.log,*.usw2kagt.log setf usw2kagtlog
" Ipfilter
au BufNewFile,BufRead ipf.conf,ipf6.conf,ipf.rules setf ipfilter
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" Language: Python
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Original Author: David Bustos <>
" Last Change: 2012 May 01
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 21
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function GetPythonIndent(lnum)
if a:lnum > 1 && getline(a:lnum - 2) =~ '\\$'
return indent(a:lnum - 1)
return indent(a:lnum - 1) + (exists("g:pyindent_continue") ? eval(g:pyindent_continue) : (&sw * 2))
return indent(a:lnum - 1) + (exists("g:pyindent_continue") ? eval(g:pyindent_continue) : (shiftwidth() * 2))
" If the start of the line is in a string don't change the indent.
......@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ function GetPythonIndent(lnum)
\ . " synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name')"
\ . " =~ '\\(Comment\\|String\\)$'")
if pp > 0
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_nested_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_nested_paren) : &sw)
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_nested_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_nested_paren) : shiftwidth())
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_open_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_open_paren) : (&sw * 2))
return indent(plnum) + (exists("g:pyindent_open_paren") ? eval(g:pyindent_open_paren) : (shiftwidth() * 2))
if plnumstart == p
return indent(plnum)
......@@ -134,15 +134,15 @@ function GetPythonIndent(lnum)
" If the previous line ended with a colon, indent this line
if pline =~ ':\s*$'
return plindent + &sw
return plindent + shiftwidth()
" If the previous line was a stop-execution statement...
if getline(plnum) =~ '^\s*\(break\|continue\|raise\|return\|pass\)\>'
" See if the user has already dedented
if indent(a:lnum) > indent(plnum) - &sw
if indent(a:lnum) > indent(plnum) - shiftwidth()
" If not, recommend one dedent
return indent(plnum) - &sw
return indent(plnum) - shiftwidth()
" Otherwise, trust the user
return -1
......@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ function GetPythonIndent(lnum)
" Or the user has already dedented
if indent(a:lnum) <= plindent - &sw
if indent(a:lnum) <= plindent - shiftwidth()
return -1
return plindent - &sw
return plindent - shiftwidth()
" When after a () construct we probably want to go back to the start line.
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
" This file is normally sourced from menu.vim.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2010 Jul 26
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 24
" Define the SetSyn function, used for the Syntax menu entries.
" Set 'filetype' and also 'syntax' if it is manually selected.
......@@ -243,6 +243,11 @@ an 50.50.360 &Syntax.HIJK.Informix\ 4GL :cal SetSyn("fgl")<CR>
an 50.50.370 &Syntax.HIJK.Initng :cal SetSyn("initng")<CR>
an 50.50.380 &Syntax.HIJK.Inittab :cal SetSyn("inittab")<CR>
an 50.50.390 &Syntax.HIJK.Inno\ setup :cal SetSyn("iss")<CR>
an 50.50.393 &Syntax.HIJK.Innovation\ Data\ Processing.Upstream\ dat :cal SetSyn ("upstreamdat")<CR>
an 50.50.394 &Syntax.HIJK.Innovation\ Data\ Processing.Upstream\ log :cal SetSyn ("upstreamlog")<CR>
an 50.50.395 &Syntax.HIJK.Innovation\ Data\ Processing.Upstream\ Install\ log :cal SetSyn ("upstreaminstalllog")<CR>
an 50.50.396 &Syntax.HIJK.Innovation\ Data\ Processing.Usserver\ log :cal SetSyn ("usserverlog")<CR>
an 50.50.397 &Syntax.HIJK.Innovation\ Data\ Processing.USW2KAgt\ log :cal SetSyn ("usw2kagtlog")<CR>
an 50.50.400 &Syntax.HIJK.InstallShield\ script :cal SetSyn("ishd")<CR>
an 50.50.410 &Syntax.HIJK.Interactive\ Data\ Lang :cal SetSyn("idlang")<CR>
an 50.50.420 &Syntax.HIJK.IPfilter :cal SetSyn("ipfilter")<CR>
......@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
" Language: Clean
" Author: Pieter van Engelen <>
" Co-Author: Arthur van Leeuwen <>
" Previous Change: 2011 Dec 25 by Thilo Six
" Last Change: 2013 Apr 25 by Jurriën Stutterheim
" Last Change: 2013 Jun 19 by Jurriën Stutterheim
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
......@@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ set cpo&vim
" Some Clean-keywords
syn keyword cleanConditional if case
syn keyword cleanLabel let! with where in of
syn keyword cleanInclude from import qualified
syn keyword cleanSpecial Start
syn keyword cleanKeyword infixl infixr infix
syn keyword cleanBasicType Int Real Char Bool String
......@@ -27,6 +25,10 @@ syn keyword cleanSpecialType World ProcId Void Files File
syn keyword cleanModuleSystem module implementation definition system
syn keyword cleanTypeClass class instance export
" Import highlighting
syn region cleanIncludeRegion start="^\s*\(from\|import\|\s\+\(as\|qualified\)\)" end="\n" contains=cleanIncludeKeyword keepend
syn keyword cleanIncludeKeyword contained from import as qualified
" To do some Denotation Highlighting
syn keyword cleanBoolDenot True False
syn region cleanStringDenot start=+"+ end=+"+
......@@ -75,7 +77,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_clean_syntax_init")
HiLink cleanLabel Label
HiLink cleanKeyword Keyword
" Generic Preprocessing
HiLink cleanInclude Include
HiLink cleanIncludeKeyword Include
HiLink cleanModuleSystem PreProc
" Type
HiLink cleanBasicType Type
......@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
"All options
:syntax keyword esmtprcOptions hostname username password starttls certificate_passphrase preconnect identity mda
syntax keyword esmtprcOptions hostname username password starttls certificate_passphrase preconnect identity mda
"All keywords
:syntax keyword esmtprcIdentifier default enabled disabled required
syntax keyword esmtprcIdentifier default enabled disabled required
"We're trying to be smarer than /."*@.*/ :)
:syntax match esmtprcAddress /[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+@[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+\.[a-z]\+/
:syntax match esmtprcFulladd /[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+\.[a-z]\+:[0-9]\+/
syntax match esmtprcAddress /[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+@[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+\.[a-z]\+/
syntax match esmtprcFulladd /[a-z0-9_.-]*[a-z0-9]\+\.[a-z]\+:[0-9]\+/
:syntax region esmtprcString start=/"/ end=/"/
syntax region esmtprcString start=/"/ end=/"/
:highlight link esmtprcOptions Label
:highlight link esmtprcString String
:highlight link esmtprcAddress Type
:highlight link esmtprcIdentifier Identifier
:highlight link esmtprcFulladd Include
highlight link esmtprcOptions Label
highlight link esmtprcString String
highlight link esmtprcAddress Type
highlight link esmtprcIdentifier Identifier
highlight link esmtprcFulladd Include
let b:current_syntax="esmtprc"
let b:current_syntax = "esmtprc"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Innovation Data Processing upstream.dat file
" Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
" Latest Revision: 2013-06-17
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ACCEPTPCREMOTE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ACCEPTREMOTE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ACTION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ACTIVATEONENTRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ARCHIVEBIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ARCHIVEBIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ASCTOEBC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ASRBACKUP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ATTENDED
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter AUTHORITATIVE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter AUTHORITATIVERESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter AUTHORITATIVERESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BACKUPPROFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BACKUPPROFILE2
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BACKUPREPARSEFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BACKUPREPARSEFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BACKUPVERIFY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter BLANKTRUNC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter CALCDASDSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter CHANGEDIRATTRIBS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter CHANGEDIRATTRIBS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter COMPRESSLEVEL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter CONTROLFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DASDOVERRIDE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DATELIMIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DATELIMIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DAYSOLD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DAYSOLD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DELETED
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DELETED
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DELETEPROMPTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DELETEPROMPTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DESTINATION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DESTINATION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DIRDELETE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DIRECTORVMC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DIRONLYRESTOREOK
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DIRSONLY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DIRSONLY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DISASTERRECOVERY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DISPLAY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DRIVEALIAS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DRIVEALIAS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DUALCOPY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DUPDAYS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter DUPLICATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter EBCTOASC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ENCRYPT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ENCRYPTLEVEL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter EXCLUDELISTNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILBACKUPONERROR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILBACKUPONERROR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILIFNOFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILIFNOFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILIFSKIP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILJOB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILRESTOREONERROR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FAILRESTOREONERROR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILEDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILEDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILEDELETE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILEDELETE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILESOPENFORUPDAT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILESOPENFORUPDAT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter FILETRANSFER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter GETREMOTEFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HARDLINKDB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HARDLINKS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HARDLINKS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HIDDENFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HIDDENFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HOLDTAPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HOLDUSERDIRS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HOSTFILENAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HOSTRECORD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter HOSTSORT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter IGNOREPLUGINSFORRESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INCRDB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INCRDBARCHIVEBIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INCRDBDELETEDFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INCREMENTAL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INCREMENTAL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INQOPTIONS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INSTALLWIN2KAGENT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter INSTALLWIN2KAGENT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter JOBOPTIONS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter JOBRETURNCODEMAP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter JOBWAITTIMELIMIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter KEEPALIVE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LANINTERFACE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LANWSNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LANWSPASSWORD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LASTACCESS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LASTACCESS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LATESTDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LATESTDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LATESTTIME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LATESTTIME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LATESTVERSION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LINEBLOCK
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LINETRUNC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LISTENFORREMOTE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALBACKUP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALBACKUPDIR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALBACKUPMAX
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALBACKUPMAXFILESIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALBACKUPMAXSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALEXCLUDEFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALPARAMETERS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALPASSWORD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALRESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOCALUSER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOFS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter LOGNONFATAL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXBACKUPFILESFAIL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXBACKUPTIME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXDUPS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXFILENAMESIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXKFILESIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXLOGDAYS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXRESTOREFILESFAIL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXRESTORETIME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXRETRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MAXRPTDAYS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MERGE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MIGRBITS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MIGRBITS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MINCOMPRESSSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MINIMIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MODIFYFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MOUNTPOINTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter MOUNTPOINTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NDS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NDS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NEWFILECOMPARE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NFSBELOW
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NODATAOK
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NODIRFORINCREMENTAL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NODIRFORINCREMENTAL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NONFILEDATABITMAP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NONFILEDATABITMAP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOPOINTRESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOSPECINHERITANCE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOTIFYEVENTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOTIFYFAILUREATTACHMENT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOTIFYSUCCESSATTACHMENT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOTIFYTARGETS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOUIDGIDNAMES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOUIDGIDNAMES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLMIGRATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLMIGRATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLMIGRATEADDEXT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLMIGRATEADDEXT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLPROFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NOVELLRECALL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NTFSADDPERMISSION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NTFSADDPERMISSION
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter NTREGRESTORE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter OSTYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter OUTPORT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PACKFLUSHAFTERFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PACKRECSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PARAMETER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PASSWORD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PATHNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PATHNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PERFORMBITMAP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PERFORMNUMRECORDS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PERFORMRECORDSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PLUGIN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PLUGIN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PLUGINPARAMETERS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PLUGINPARAMETERS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter POSTJOB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PREJOB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PRTYCLASS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter PRTYLEVEL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RECALLCLEANUP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RECALLOFFLINEFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RECALLOFFLINEFILES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RECORDSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEADDR
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEAPPLPREF
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEAPPLRETRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTECONNECTTYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEFLAGS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEIPADAPTER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTELOCALPARAMETERS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTELOGMODE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTELUNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEMAXRETRIES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEMODENAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEPARAMETERFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEPORT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEREQUEST
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTERESTART
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEROUTE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTETARGETNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTETCP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTETIMEOUT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTETMAXRETRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTETPN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEUSAPPL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEVERIFY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REMOTEWTOCOMP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REPORTNAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter REPORTOPTIONS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTARTLASTFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTART
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTARTTYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTARTVERSIONDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREARCHIVEBIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTORECHECKPOINT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREDATELIMIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREDATELIMIT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREFILEFAIL
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREMOUNTPOINTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTOREMOUNTPOINTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTORESEGMENTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTORESEGMENTS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RESTORETODIFFFS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RETAIN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter RETAIN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ROOTENTRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ROOTENTRY
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SAN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SCHEDULENAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SEGMENTEDFILESIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SEGMENTEDFILESIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SEGMENTSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SEGMENTSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SENDHOSTDETAILS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SINGLEFS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SIZETRC
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SKIP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SKIPBACKUPSCAN
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SKIPOLD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SKIPOLD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SMSTARGETSERVICENAME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SMSTSA
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOLO
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SORTBACKUP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSDISK
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSDISK
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSTIMESTAMP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSTIMESTAMP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSTIMESTAMPPATH
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SOSTIMESTAMPPATH
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SPECNUMBER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SPECNUMBER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SPECTYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SPECTYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter STARTTIME
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter STORAGETYPE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SUBDIRECTORIES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SUBDIRECTORIES
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter SWITCHTOTAPEMB
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter TCPADDRESS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter TCPTIMEOUT
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter TIMEOVERRIDE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter TRACE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter TRANSLATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ULTRACOMP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ULTREG
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter ULTUPD
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter UNCMACHINEALIAS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter UNCMACHINEALIAS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USEALEBRA
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USECONTROLFILE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USEGID
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USERID
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USEUID
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter USNOUIDGIDERRORS
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter UTF8
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter VAULTNUMBER
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter VERSIONDATE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter WRITESPARSE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter XFERECORDSIZE
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter XFERRECSEP
syn keyword upstreamdat_Parameter XFERRECUSECR
hi def link upstreamdat_Parameter Type
let b:current_syntax = "upstreamdat"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Innovation Data Processing UPSTREAMInstall.log file
" Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
" Latest Revision: 2013-06-17
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Date:
syn match upstreaminstalllog_Date /\u\l\l \u\l\l\s\{1,2}\d\{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
" Msg Types:
syn match upstreaminstalllog_MsgD /Msg #MSI\d\{4,5}D/
syn match upstreaminstalllog_MsgE /Msg #MSI\d\{4,5}E/
syn match upstreaminstalllog_MsgI /Msg #MSI\d\{4,5}I/
syn match upstreaminstalllog_MsgW /Msg #MSI\d\{4,5}W/
" IP Address:
syn match upstreaminstalllog_IPaddr / \d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/
hi def link upstreaminstalllog_Date Underlined
hi def link upstreaminstalllog_MsgD Type
hi def link upstreaminstalllog_MsgE Error
hi def link upstreaminstalllog_MsgW Constant
hi def link upstreaminstalllog_IPaddr Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "upstreaminstalllog"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Innovation Data Processing upstream.log file
" Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
" Latest Revision: 2013-06-17
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Date:
syn match upstreamlog_Date /\u\l\l \u\l\l\s\{1,2}\d\{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
" Msg Types:
syn match upstreamlog_MsgD /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}D/ nextgroup=upstreamlog_Process skipwhite
syn match upstreamlog_MsgE /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}E/ nextgroup=upstreamlog_Process skipwhite
syn match upstreamlog_MsgI /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}I/ nextgroup=upstreamlog_Process skipwhite
syn match upstreamlog_MsgW /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}W/ nextgroup=upstreamlog_Process skipwhite
" Processes:
syn region upstreamlog_Process start="(" end=")" contained
" IP Address:
syn match upstreamlog_IPaddr / \d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/
" Profile:
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start="Profile name \zs" end="\"\S\{1,8}\""
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\S\{1,8}"
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\ze, "
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start="Backup Profile: \zs" end="\ze Version date"
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start="Full of \zs" end="\ze$"
syn region upstreamlog_Profile start="Incr. of \zs" end="\ze$"
" Target:
syn region upstreamlog_Target start="Computer: \zs" end="\ze[\]\)]"
syn region upstreamlog_Target start="Computer name \zs" end="\ze,"
hi def link upstreamlog_Date Underlined
hi def link upstreamlog_MsgD Type
hi def link upstreamlog_MsgE Error
hi def link upstreamlog_MsgW Constant
hi def link upstreamlog_Process Statement
hi def link upstreamlog_IPaddr Identifier
hi def link upstreamlog_Profile Identifier
hi def link upstreamlog_Target Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "upstreamlog"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Innovation Data Processing usserver.log file
" Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
" Latest Revision: 2013-06-17
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Date:
syn match usserver_Date /\u\l\l \u\l\l\s\{1,2}\d\{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
" Msg Types:
syn match usserver_MsgD /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}D/ nextgroup=usserver_Process skipwhite
syn match usserver_MsgE /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}E/ nextgroup=usserver_Process skipwhite
syn match usserver_MsgI /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}I/ nextgroup=usserver_Process skipwhite
syn match usserver_MsgW /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}W/ nextgroup=usserver_Process skipwhite
" Processes:
syn region usserver_Process start="(" end=")" contained
" IP Address:
syn match usserver_IPaddr /\( \|(\)\zs\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/
" Profile:
syn region usserver_Profile start="Profile name \zs" end="\"\S\{1,8}\""
syn region usserver_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\S\{1,8}"
syn region usserver_Profile start=", profile: \zs" end="\S\{1,8}\ze,"
syn region usserver_Profile start=" profile \zs" end="\S\{1,8}"
syn region usserver_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\ze, "
syn region usserver_Profile start="Backup Profile: \zs" end="\ze Version date"
syn region usserver_Profile start="Full of \zs" end="\ze$"
syn region usserver_Profile start="Incr. of \zs" end="\ze$"
syn region usserver_Profile start="Profile=\zs" end="\S\{1,8}\ze,"
" Target:
syn region usserver_Target start="Computer: \zs" end="\ze[\]\)]"
syn region usserver_Target start="Computer name \zs" end="\ze,"
syn region usserver_Target start="Registration add request successful \zs" end="$"
syn region usserver_Target start="request to registered name \zs" end=" "
syn region usserver_Target start=", sending to \zs" end="$"
hi def link usserver_Date Underlined
hi def link usserver_MsgD Type
hi def link usserver_MsgE Error
hi def link usserver_MsgW Constant
hi def link usserver_Process Statement
hi def link usserver_IPaddr Identifier
hi def link usserver_Profile Identifier
hi def link usserver_Target Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "usserver"
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Innovation Data Processing USW2KAgt.log file
" Maintainer: Rob Owens <>
" Latest Revision: 2013-06-17
" Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
" Date:
syn match usw2kagentlog_Date /\u\l\l \u\l\l\s\{1,2}\d\{1,2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \d\d\d\d/
" Msg Types:
syn match usw2kagentlog_MsgD /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}D/ nextgroup=usw2kagentlog_Process skipwhite
syn match usw2kagentlog_MsgE /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}E/ nextgroup=usw2kagentlog_Process skipwhite
syn match usw2kagentlog_MsgI /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}I/ nextgroup=usw2kagentlog_Process skipwhite
syn match usw2kagentlog_MsgW /Msg #\(Agt\|PC\|Srv\)\d\{4,5}W/ nextgroup=usw2kagentlog_Process skipwhite
" Processes:
syn region usw2kagentlog_Process start="(" end=")" contained
syn region usw2kagentlog_Process start="Starting the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client request"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Process start="Ending the processing for a \zs\"" end="\ze client request"
" IP Address:
syn match usw2kagentlog_IPaddr / \d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}/
" Profile:
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start="Profile name \zs" end="\"\S\{1,8}\""
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\S\{1,8}"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start=" Profile: \zs" end="\ze, "
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start="Backup Profile: \zs" end="\ze Version date"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start="Full of \zs" end="\ze$"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start="Incr. of \zs" end="\ze$"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Profile start="profile name \zs\"" end="\""
" Target:
syn region usw2kagentlog_Target start="Computer: \zs" end="\ze[\]\)]"
syn region usw2kagentlog_Target start="Computer name \zs" end="\ze,"
" Agent Keywords:
syn keyword usw2kagentlog_Agentword opened closed
hi def link usw2kagentlog_Date Underlined
hi def link usw2kagentlog_MsgD Type
hi def link usw2kagentlog_MsgE Error
hi def link usw2kagentlog_MsgW Constant
hi def link usw2kagentlog_Process Statement
hi def link usw2kagentlog_IPaddr Identifier
hi def link usw2kagentlog_Profile Identifier
hi def link usw2kagentlog_Target Identifier
hi def link usw2kagentlog_Agentword Special
let b:current_syntax = "usw2kagentlog"
......@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ language.
make xx
This will extract all the strings from Vim and merge them in with the
existing translations. Requires the GNU gettext utilities. Also requires
unpacking the extra archive.
existing translations. Requires the GNU gettext utilities.
Your original xx.po file will be copied to xx.po.orig
-- After you do this, you MUST do the next three steps! --
0% Loading or .
You are about to add 0 people to the discussion. Proceed with caution.
Finish editing this message first!
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