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Commit db7207e6 authored by Bram Moolenaar's avatar Bram Moolenaar
Browse files

Updated runtime files.

parent 84a4c334
No related merge requests found
This diff is collapsed.
" Vim compiler file
" Compiler: Erlang
" Maintainer: none, please volunteer!
" Last Change: 2012 Jan 20
" Compiler: Erlang
" Maintainer: Dmitry Vasiliev <dima at hlabs dot org>
" Last Change: 2012-02-13
if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "erlang"
CompilerSet makeprg=erlc\ -Wall\ %
CompilerSet errorformat=%f:%l:\ %m
*autocmd.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 12
*autocmd.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 22
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ files matching *.c. You can also use autocommands to implement advanced
features, such as editing compressed files (see |gzip-example|). The usual
place to put autocommands is in your .vimrc or .exrc file.
*E203* *E204* *E143*
*E203* *E204* *E143* *E855*
WARNING: Using autocommands is very powerful, and may lead to unexpected side
effects. Be careful not to destroy your text.
- It's a good idea to do some testing on an expendable copy of a file first.
*options.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 12
*options.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 22
......@@ -5900,9 +5900,8 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
*'shellcmdflag'* *'shcf'*
'shellcmdflag' 'shcf' string (default: "-c";
Win32, when 'shell' is cmd.exe: "/s /c";
MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell' neither is
cmd.exe nor contains "sh" somewhere: "/c")
MS-DOS and Win32, when 'shell' does not
contain "sh" somewhere: "/c")
{not in Vi}
Flag passed to the shell to execute "!" and ":!" commands; e.g.,
......@@ -6041,6 +6040,15 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
0 and 2: use "shell 'shellcmdflag' cmd" to start external commands
1 and 3: use "shell cmd" to start external commands
*'shellxescape'* *'sxe'*
'shellxescape' 'sxe' string (default: "";
for MS-DOS and MS-Windows: "\"&|<>()@^")
{not in Vi}
When 'shellxquote' is set to "(" then the characters listed in this
option will be escaped with a '^' character. This makes it possible
to execute most external commands with cmd.exe.
*'shellxquote'* *'sxq'*
'shellxquote' 'sxq' string (default: "";
for Win32, when 'shell' is cmd.exe: "("
......@@ -6065,16 +6073,6 @@ A jump table for the options with a short description can be found at |Q_op|.
This option cannot be set from a |modeline| or in the |sandbox|, for
security reasons.
*'shellxescape'* *'sxe'*
'shellxescape' 'sxe' string (default: "";
for MS-DOS and MS-Windows: "\"&|<>()@^")
{not in Vi}
When 'shellxquote' is set to "(" then the characters listed in this
option will be escaped with a '^' character. This makes it possible
to execute most external commands with cmd.exe.
*'shiftround'* *'sr'* *'noshiftround'* *'nosr'*
'shiftround' 'sr' boolean (default off)
*quickref.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2011 Jun 12
*quickref.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 22
......@@ -851,6 +851,7 @@ Short explanation of each option: *option-list*
'shellslash' 'ssl' use forward slash for shell file names
'shelltemp' 'stmp' whether to use a temp file for shell commands
'shelltype' 'st' Amiga: influences how to use a shell
'shellxescape' 'sxe' characters to escape when 'shellxquote' is (
'shellxquote' 'sxq' like 'shellquote', but include redirection
'shiftround' 'sr' round indent to multiple of shiftwidth
'shiftwidth' 'sw' number of spaces to use for (auto)indent step
......@@ -783,6 +783,7 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
'shellslash' options.txt /*'shellslash'*
'shelltemp' options.txt /*'shelltemp'*
'shelltype' options.txt /*'shelltype'*
'shellxescape' options.txt /*'shellxescape'*
'shellxquote' options.txt /*'shellxquote'*
'shiftround' options.txt /*'shiftround'*
'shiftwidth' options.txt /*'shiftwidth'*
......@@ -852,6 +853,7 @@ $VIMRUNTIME starting.txt /*$VIMRUNTIME*
'swf' options.txt /*'swf'*
'switchbuf' options.txt /*'switchbuf'*
'sws' options.txt /*'sws'*
'sxe' options.txt /*'sxe'*
'sxq' options.txt /*'sxq'*
'syn' options.txt /*'syn'*
'synmaxcol' options.txt /*'synmaxcol'*
......@@ -4241,6 +4243,7 @@ E851 gui_x11.txt /*E851*
E852 gui_x11.txt /*E852*
E853 eval.txt /*E853*
E854 options.txt /*E854*
E855 autocmd.txt /*E855*
E86 windows.txt /*E86*
E87 windows.txt /*E87*
E88 windows.txt /*E88*
*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 12
*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.3. Last change: 2012 Feb 22
......@@ -38,9 +38,15 @@ Go through more coverity reports.
Discussion about canonicalization of Hebrew. (Ron Aaron, 2011 April 10)
Stack trace of crash:
(Alexandre Provencio)
Once syntax and other runtime files have been fixed: add "set cp" to
check.vim. Use a function to run both with 'cp' and 'nocp'.
Undo broken when pasting close to the last line. (Andrey Radev, 2012 Feb 14)
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2012 Feb 14.
GTK: problem with 'L' in 'guioptions' changing the window width.
(Aaron Cornelius, 2012 Feb 6)
......@@ -48,6 +54,8 @@ Win32: When a directory name contains an exclamation mark, completion doesn't
complete the contents of the directory. No escaping for the "!"? (Jan
Stocker, 2012 Jan 5)
Patch to speed up ga_grow(). (Dominique Pelle, 2012 Feb 13)
Patch for "tab drop hoge" moving current window. (Higashi, 2012 Jan 31)
":tab drop buffer.c" always opens a new tab, also if buffer.c is already in an
open window. (Herb Sitz, 2011 Nov 17)
......@@ -79,6 +87,9 @@ URXVT:
Patch for using QuickFixCmdPre for more commands. (Marcin Szamotulski, 2012
Feb 1, update Feb 2)
Patch for pasting in the Ex command line is slow. (Dominique Pelle, 2012 Feb
When running Vim in silent ex mode, an existing swapfile causes Vim to wait
for a user action without a prompt. (Maarten Billemont, 2012 Feb 3)
Do give the prompt? Quit with an error?
......@@ -87,6 +98,10 @@ When exiting with unsaved changes, selecting an existing file in the file
dialog, there is no dialog to ask whether the existing file should be
overwritten. (Felipe G. Nievinski, 2011 Dec 22)
Patch for improved ":qa" behavior. (Hirohito Higashi, 2012 Feb 18)
Recognize objcpp. (Austin Ziegler, 2012 Feb 15)
7 Setting an option always sets "w_set_curswant", while this is only
required for a few options. Only do it for those options to avoid the
side effect.
......@@ -98,7 +113,7 @@ Carvalho merged the patch: New version 2012 Jan 19.
Patch for option in 'cino' to specify more indent for continued conditions.
(Lech Lorens, 2011 Nov 27)
Isn't this already possible?
Isn't this already possible? Update 2012 Feb 15.
Patch for using objcpp file type for headers files. Issue 44.
......@@ -155,6 +170,9 @@ Plugin for Modeleasy. (Massimiliano Tripoli, 2011 Nov 29)
Updated syntax file for ssh_config, maintainer doesn't respond.
(Leonard Ehrenfried, 2011 Sep 26)
BufWinLeave triggers too late when quitting last window in a tab page. (Lech
Lorens, 2012 Feb 21)
"fC" doesn't position the cursor correctly when there are concealed
characters. Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Oct 11)
......@@ -959,6 +977,7 @@ Performance tests:
- ~/vim/test/slowsearch
- ~/vim/test/rgb.vim
- ~/vim/text/FeiqCfg.xml (file from Netjune)
- ~/vim/text/edl.svg (also XML)
- search for a.*e*exn in the vim executable. Go to last line to use
" These commands create the option window.
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last Change: 2011 Jun 13
" Last Change: 2012 Feb 22
" If there already is an option window, jump to that one.
if bufwinnr("option-window") > 0
......@@ -1064,6 +1064,8 @@ call append("$", "shellquote\tcharacter(s) to enclose a shell command in")
call <SID>OptionG("shq", &shq)
call append("$", "shellxquote\tlike 'shellquote' but include the redirection")
call <SID>OptionG("sxq", &sxq)
call append("$", "shellxescape\tcharacters to escape when 'shellxquote' is (")
call <SID>OptionG("sxe", &sxe)
call append("$", "shellcmdflag\targument for 'shell' to execute a command")
call <SID>OptionG("shcf", &shcf)
call append("$", "shellredir\tused to redirect command output to a file")
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Flat Assembler (FASM)
" Maintainer: Ron Aaron <>
" Last Change: 2004 May 16
" Last Change: 2012/02/13
" Vim URL:
" FASM Home:
" FASM Version: 1.52
" FASM Version: 1.56
if version < 600
syntax clear
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
setlocal iskeyword=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,_
setlocal isident=a-z,A-Z,48-57,.,_
syn case ignore
......@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ syn keyword fasmDirective align binary code coff console discardable display dl
syn keyword fasmDirective elf entry executable export extern far fixups format gui
syn keyword fasmDirective import label ms mz native near notpageable pe public readable
syn keyword fasmDirective repeat resource section segment shareable stack times
syn keyword fasmDirective use16 use32 virtual wdm writeable
syn keyword fasmDirective use16 use32 virtual wdm writable writeable
syn keyword fasmOperator as at defined eq eqtype from mod on ptr rva used
syn match fasmNumericOperator "[+-/*]"
......@@ -142,4 +145,8 @@ hi def link fasmInstr keyword
hi def link fasmLabel label
hi def link fasmPrefix preproc
let b:current_syntax = "fasm"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8 sw=8 :
" Vim syntax file
" Language: resolver configuration file
" Maintainer: David Ne\v{c}as (Yeti) <>
" Maintainer: David Necas (Yeti) <>
" Original Maintaner: Radu Dineiu <>
" License: This file can be redistribued and/or modified under the same terms
" as Vim itself.
" URL:
" Last Change: 2006-04-16
" Last Change: 2012-02-21
if version < 600
syntax clear
......@@ -26,7 +25,8 @@ syn match resolvIPSpecial /\%(127\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\.\d\{1,3}\)/ contained
" General
syn match resolvIP contained /\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}/ contains=@resolvIPCluster
syn match resolvIPNetmask contained /\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\/\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{,3}\d\{1,4}\)\)\?/ contains=resolvOperator,@resolvIPCluster
syn match resolvHostname contained /\w\{-}\.[-0-9A-Za-z_\.]*/
syn match resolvHostname contained /\w\{-}\.[-0-9A-Za-z_.]*/
syn match resolvDomainname contained /[-0-9A-Za-z_.]\+/
" Particular
syn match resolvIPNameserver contained /\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\s\|$\)\)\+/ contains=@resolvIPCluster
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ syn match resolvIPNetmaskSortList contained /\%(\%(\d\{1,4}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,4}\%(\/
" Identifiers
syn match resolvNameserver /^\s*nameserver\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNameserver skipwhite
syn match resolvLwserver /^\s*lwserver\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNameserver skipwhite
syn match resolvDomain /^\s*domain\>/ nextgroup=resolvHostname skipwhite
syn match resolvDomain /^\s*domain\>/ nextgroup=resolvDomainname skipwhite
syn match resolvSearch /^\s*search\>/ nextgroup=resolvHostnameSearch skipwhite
syn match resolvSortList /^\s*sortlist\>/ nextgroup=resolvIPNetmaskSortList skipwhite
syn match resolvOptions /^\s*options\>/ nextgroup=resolvOption skipwhite
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ if version >= 508 || !exists("did_config_syntax_inits")
HiLink resolvIP Number
HiLink resolvIPNetmask Number
HiLink resolvHostname String
HiLink resolvDomainname String
HiLink resolvOption String
HiLink resolvIPNameserver Number
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Reva Forth
" Version: 7.1
" Last Change: 2008/01/11
" Version: 2011.2
" Last Change: 2012/02/13
" Maintainer: Ron Aaron <>
" URL:
" Filetypes: *.rf *.frt
" Filetypes: *.rf *.frt
" NOTE: You should also have the ftplugin/reva.vim file to set 'isk'
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items and don't load
......@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn clear
" Synchronization method
syn sync ccomment
syn sync ccomment
syn sync maxlines=100
......@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ syn region revaEOF start='\<|||\>' end='{$}' contains=revaHelpStuff
syn case match
" basic mathematical and logical operators
syn keyword revaoperators + - * / mod /mod negate abs min max umin umax
syn keyword revaoperators and or xor not invert 1+ 1-
syn keyword revaoperators and or xor not invert 1+ 1-
syn keyword revaoperators m+ */ */mod m* um* m*/ um/mod fm/mod sm/rem
syn keyword revaoperators d+ d- dnegate dabs dmin dmax > < = >> << u< <>
......@@ -53,10 +56,10 @@ syn keyword revastack >r r> r@ rdrop
" address operations
syn keyword revamemory @ ! +! c@ c! 2@ 2! align aligned allot allocate here free resize
syn keyword revaadrarith chars char+ cells cell+ cell cell- 2cell+ 2cell- 3cell+ 4cell+
syn keyword revamemblks move fill
syn keyword revamemblks move fill
" conditionals
syn keyword revacond if else then =if >if <if <>if if0 ;; catch throw
syn keyword revacond if else then =if >if <if <>if if0 ;; catch throw
" iterations
syn keyword revaloop while repeat until again
......@@ -66,18 +69,18 @@ syn keyword revaloop do loop i j leave unloop skip more
syn match revaColonDef '\<noname:\|\<:\s+' contains=revaComment
syn keyword revaEndOfColonDef ; ;inline
syn keyword revadefine constant constant, variable create variable,
syn keyword revadefine user value to +to defer! defer@ defer is does> immediate
syn keyword revadefine user value to +to defer! defer@ defer is does> immediate
syn keyword revadefine compile literal ' [']
" Built in words
com! -nargs=+ Builtin syn keyword revaBuiltin <args>
Builtin execute ahead interp bye >body here pad words make
Builtin accept close cr creat delete ekey emit fsize ioerr key?
Builtin mtime open/r open/rw read rename seek space spaces stat
Builtin mtime open/r open/rw read rename seek space spaces stat
Builtin tell type type_ write (seek) (argv) (save) 0; 0drop;
Builtin >class >lz >name >xt alias alias: appname argc asciiz, asciizl,
Builtin body> clamp depth disassemble findprev fnvhash getenv here,
Builtin iterate last! last@ later link lz> lzmax os parse/ peek
Builtin iterate last! last@ later link lz> lzmax os parse/ peek
Builtin peek-n pop prior push put rp@ rpick save setenv slurp
Builtin stack-empty? stack-iterate stack-size stack: THROW_BADFUNC
Builtin THROW_BADLIB THROW_GENERIC used xt>size z,
......@@ -88,21 +91,21 @@ Builtin chdir g32 k32 u32 getcwd getpid hinst osname stdin stdout
Builtin (-lib) (bye) (call) (else) (find) (func) (here) (if (lib) (s0) (s^)
Builtin (to~) (while) >in >rel ?literal appstart cold compiling? context? d0 default_class
Builtin defer? dict dolstr dostr find-word h0 if) interp isa onexit
Builtin onstartup pdoes pop>ebx prompt rel> rp0 s0 src srcstr state str0 then,> then> tib
Builtin onstartup pdoes pop>ebx prompt rel> rp0 s0 src srcstr state str0 then,> then> tib
Builtin tp vector vector! word? xt? .ver revaver revaver# && '' 'constant 'context
Builtin 'create 'defer 'does 'forth 'inline 'macro 'macront 'notail 'value 'variable
Builtin (.r) (context) (create) (header) (hide) (inline) (p.r) (words~) (xfind)
Builtin ++ -- , -2drop -2nip -link -swap . .2x .classes .contexts .funcs .libs .needs .r
Builtin .rs .x 00; 0do 0if 1, 2, 3, 2* 2/ 2constant 2variable 3dup 4dup ;then >base >defer
Builtin >rr ? ?do @execute @rem appdir argv as back base base! between chain cleanup-libs
Builtin cmove> context?? ctrl-c ctx>name data: defer: defer@def dictgone do_cr eleave
Builtin endcase endof eval exception exec false find func: header heapgone help help/
Builtin cmove> context?? ctrl-c ctx>name data: defer: defer@def dictgone do_cr eleave
Builtin endcase endof eval exception exec false find func: header heapgone help help/
Builtin hex# hide inline{ last lastxt lib libdir literal, makeexename mnotail ms ms@
Builtin newclass noop nosavedict notail nul of off on p: padchar parse parseln
Builtin parsews rangeof rdepth remains reset reva revaused rol8 rr> scratch setclass sp
Builtin newclass noop nosavedict notail nul of off on p: padchar parse parseln
Builtin parsews rangeof rdepth remains reset reva revaused rol8 rr> scratch setclass sp
Builtin strof super> temp time&date true turnkey? undo vfunc: w! w@
Builtin xchg xchg2 xfind xt>name xwords { {{ }} } _+ _1+ _1- pathsep case \||
" p[ [''] [ [']
" p[ [''] [ [']
" debugging
......@@ -116,11 +119,11 @@ syn keyword revadebug .s dump see
" syn region revaCharOps start=+."\s+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
" char-number conversion
syn keyword revaconversion s>d >digit digit> >single >double >number >float
syn keyword revaconversion s>d >digit digit> >single >double >number >float
" contexts
syn keyword revavocs forth macro inline
syn keyword revavocs context:
syn keyword revavocs forth macro inline
syn keyword revavocs context:
syn match revavocs /\<\~[^~ ]*/
syn match revavocs /[^~ ]*\~\>/
......@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ syn match revainteger "\<'.\>"
" Strings
" syn region revaString start=+\.\?\"+ end=+"+ end=+$+
syn region revaString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
syn region revaString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
" Comments
syn region revaComment start='\\S\s' end='.*' contains=revaTodo
......@@ -187,5 +190,7 @@ if !exists("did_reva_syntax_inits")
let b:current_syntax = "reva"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: ts=8:sw=4:nocindent:smartindent:
......@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@
" Language: OpenSSH client configuration file (ssh_config)
" Author: David Necas (Yeti)
" Maintainer: Leonard Ehrenfried <>
" Modified By: Thilo Six
" Originally: 2009-07-09
" Last Change: 2011 Oct 31
" Last Change: 2012 Feb 19
" SSH Version: 5.9p1
......@@ -92,7 +90,8 @@ syn match sshconfigNumber "\d\+"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\d\{1,3}\.\)\{3}\d\{1,3}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\([-a-zA-Z0-9]\+\.\)\+[-a-zA-Z0-9]\{2,}\(:\d\+\)\?\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\<\(\x\{,4}:\)\+\x\{,4}[:/]\d\+\>"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\(Host \)\@<=.\+"
syn match sshconfigHostPort "\(HostName \)\@<=.\+"
" case off
syn case ignore
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