*todo.txt* For Vim version 7.4. Last change: 2013 Dec 15
TODO list for Vim *todo*
This is a veeeery long list of known bugs, current work and desired
improvements. To make it a little bit accessible, the items are grouped by
subject. In the first column of the line a classification is used to be able
to look for "the next thing to do":
Priority classification:
9 next point release
8 next release
7 as soon as possible
6 soon
5 should be included
4 nice to have
3 consider including
2 maybe not
1 probably not
- unclassified
See |develop.txt| for development plans. You can vote for which items should
be worked on, but only if you sponsor Vim development. See |sponsor|.
Issues can also be entered online:
Updates will be forwarded to the vim_dev maillist. Issues entered there will
not be repeated below, unless there is extra information.
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
Article for Vim website. (Pritesh Ugrankar, 2013 Dec 13)
Patch for Perl 5.18. (2013 Dec 13, Ken Takata)
Regexp problems:
- NFA regexp doesn't count tab matches correctly. (Urtica Dioica / gaultheria
Shallon, 2013 Nov 18)
- After patch 7.4.100 there is still a difference between NFA and old engine.
25 a's with pattern \v^(aa+)\1+$ (Urtica Dioica, 2013 Nov 21) Also: 9 a's
with pattern \v^(a{-2,})\1+$ (Nov 23)
- NFA engine combining character mismatch. (glts, 2013 Aug 27)
Remark from Dominique, Aug 27
- Issue 164: freeze on regexp search.
- NFA problem with non-greedy match and branches. (Ingo Karkat, 2013 Nov 29)
- Ignorecase not handled properly for multi-byte characters. (Axel Bender,
2013 Dec 11)
Problem that a previous silent ":throw" causes a following try/catch not to
work. (ZyX, 2013 Sep 28)
Patch for problems with Borland compiler. (Ken Takata, 2013 Dec 14)
Problem using ":try" inside ":execute". (ZyX, 2013 Sep 15)
Update for Clojure ftplugin. (Sung Pae). Await discussion about formatting in
Python: ":py raw_input('prompt')" doesn't work. (Manu Hack)
Patch to support slices in Python vim.List. (ZyX, 2013 Oct 20)
Patch to support iterator on Python vim.options. (ZyX, 2013 Nov 2)
Patch to make Dictionary.update() work without arguments.
(ZyX, 2013 Oct 19)
Patch for Cobol ftplugin. (ZyX, 2013 Oct 20)
Await response from maintainer.
Patch to make "J" set '[ and '] marks. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Dec 11)
Any compatibility problems?
Patch to add :S modifier for excaping the current file name.
(ZyX, 2013 Nov 30) Update Dec 5.
Problem with 'spellsuggest' file, only works for some words.
(Cesar Romani, 2013 Aug 20) Depends on file name? (Aug 24)
Additional remark by glts: the suggested words are marked bad?
Syntax highlighting slow (hangs) in SASS file. (Niek Bosch, 2013 Aug 21)
Adding "~" to 'cdpath' doesn't work for completion? (Davido, 2013 Aug 19)
Add digraph for Rouble: =P. What's the Unicode?
Patch to make has() check for Vim version and patch at the same time.
(Marc Weber, 2013 Jun 7)
Regression on pach 7.4.034. (Ingo Karkat, 2013 Nov 20)
VMS: Select() doesn't work properly, typing ESC may hang Vim. Use sys$qiow
instead. (Samuel Ferencik, 2013 Sep 28)
Series of patches for NL vs NUL handling. (ZyX, 2013 Nov 3, Nov 9)
Patch to add v:completed_item. (Shougo Matsu, 2013 Nov 29).
Patch to make test 100 work on MS-Windows. (Taro Muraoka, 2013 Dec 12)
Patch to define macros for hardcoded values. (Elias Diem, 2013 Dec 14)
Perl: support for Activestate perl 5.18: Issue 170.
Several syntax file match "^\s*" which may get underlined if that's in the
highlight group. Add a "\zs" after it?
Patch to fix temp directories for Windows, so that it works without tweaking.
Issue 28.
Include Haiku port? (Adrien Destugues, Siarzhuk Zharski, 2013 Oct 24)
Updated spec ftplugin. (Matěj Cepl, 2013 Oct 16)
Patch to right-align signs. (James Kolb (email james), 2013 Sep 23)
Patch to handle integer overflow. (Aaron Burrow, 2013 Dec 12)
With "$" in 'cpoptions' the popup menu isn't fully drawn. (Matti Niemenmaa,
2013 Sep 5)
Patch to add item in 'listchars' to repeat first character. (Nathaniel Braun,
pragm, 2013 Oct 13)
Undo message is not always properly displayed. Patch by Ken Takata, 2013 oct
3. Doesn't work properly according to Yukihiro Nakadaira.
/[b-a] gives error E16, should probably be E769.
7 Windows XP: When using "ClearType" for text smoothing, a column of yellow
pixels remains when typing spaces in front of a "D" ('guifont' set to
Patch by Thomas Tuegel, also for GTK, 2013 Nov 24
:help gives example for z?, but it does not work. m? and t? do work.
Python: Extended funcrefs: use func_T* structure in place of char_u* function
names. (ZyX, 2013 Jul 15, update Sep 22, 24, 28)
Also fixes Bug: E685 error for func_unref(). (ZyX, 2010 Aug 5)
Patch to add funcref to Lua. (Luis Carvalho, 2013 Sep 4)
Patch to fix that on suckless Terminal mousewheel up does not work.
(Ralph Eastwood, 2013 Nov 25)
Discussion about canonicalization of Hebrew. (Ron Aaron, 2011 April 10)
Checking runtime scripts: Thilo Six, 2012 Jun 6.
When evaluating expression in backticks, autoload doesn't work.
(Andy Wokula, 2013 Dec 14)
Using <nr>ifoobar<esc> can slow down Vim. Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013
Dec 13.
Fold can't be opened after ":move". (Ein Brown)
Patch from Christian Brabandt doesn't fix it completely.
Patch from Christian Brabandt to preserve upper case marks when wiping out a
buffer. (2013 Dec 9)
Patch for drag&drop reordering of GUI tab pages reordering.
(Ken Takata, 2013 Nov 22, second one, also by Masamichi Abe)
":sign-jump" uses first window in buffer instead of current window.
Patch by James McCoy, 2013 Nov 22.
GTK: problem with 'L' in 'guioptions' changing the window width.
(Aaron Cornelius, 2012 Feb 6)
Patch to add option that tells whether small deletes go into the numbered
registers. (Aryeh Leib Taurog, 2013 Nov 18)
Javascript file where indent gets stuck on: GalaxyMaster, 2012 May 3.
The BufUnload event is triggered when re-using the empty buffer.
(Pokey Rule, 2013 Jul 22)
Patch by Marcin Szamotulski, 2013 Jul 22.
The CompleteDone autocommand needs some info passed to it:
- The word that was selected (empty if abandoned complete)
- Type of completion: tag, omnifunc, user func.
Using ":call foo#d.f()" doesn't autoload the "foo.vim" file.
That is, calling a dictionary function on an autoloaded dict.
Works OK for echo, just not for ":call" and ":call call()". (Ted, 2011 Mar
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Mar 23.
Patch to support expression argument to sort() instead of a function name.
Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2013 May 31.
Or should we add a more general mechanism, like lambda functions?
Problem caused by patch 7.3.638: window->open does not update window
correctly. Issue 91.
Patch to add {lhs} to :mapclear: clear all maps starting with {lhs}.
(Christian Brabandt, 2013 Dec 9)
The garbage collector may use too much stack. Make set_ref_in_item()
iterative instead of recursive. Test program by Marc Weber (2013 Dec 10)
Exception caused by argument of return is not caught by try/catch.
(David Barnett, 2013 Nov 19)
8 'backupdir' and 'directory' should use $TMPDIR, $TMP and/or $TEMP when
Issue 28.
Patch to fix that 'cedit' is recognized after :normal. (Christian Brabandt,
2013 Mar 19, later message)
Patch to view coverage of the tests. (Nazri Ramliy, 2013 Feb 15)
Patch to invert characters differently in GTK. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2013 May
Patch to add "Q" and "A" responses to interactive :substitute. They are
carried over when using :global. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jun 19)
Bug with 'cursorline' in diff mode. Line being scrolled into view gets
highlighted as the cursor line. (Alessandro Ivaldi, 2013 Jun 4)
Patch to add the bufferlist() function. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2013 May 5)
May 17: with winlist() and tabpagelist().
May 19: with local variables.
Patch to support 'u' in interactive substitute. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Sep
Patch from Christian Brabandt to make the "buffer" argument for ":sign place"
optional. (2013 Jul 12)
Dialog is too big on Linux too. (David Fishburn, 2013 Sep 2)
Patch to allow setting w:quickfix_title via setqflist() and setloclist()
functions. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 May 8, update May 21)
Patch to add getlocstack() / setlocstack(). (Christian Brabandt, 2013 May 14)
Patch to make fold updates much faster. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Dec)
MS-Windows: Patch to make tests copy files to avoid changing the fileformat of
the files under version control. (Taro Muraoka, 2013 Jul 5)
Issue 54: document behavior of -complete, also expands arg.
- Add regex for 'paragraphs' and 'sections': 'parare' and 'sectre'. Combine
the two into a regex for searching. (Ned Konz)
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Apr 20, unfinished.
Bug: findfile("any", "file:///tmp;") does not work.
v:register is not directly reset to " after a delete command that specifies a
register. It is reset after the next command. (Steve Vermeulen, 2013 Mar 16)
'ff' is wrong for one-line file without EOL. (Issue 77)
Patch to set antialiasing style on Windows. (Ondrej Balaz, 2013 Mar 14)
Needs a different check for CLEARTYPE_QUALITY.
In the ATTENTION message about an existing swap file, mention the name of the
process that is running. It might actually be some other program, e.g. after
a reboot.
MS-Windows: Crash opening very long file name starting with "\\".
(Christian Brock, 2012 Jun 29)
Patch to have text objects defined by arbitrary single characters. (Daniel
Thau, 2013 Nov 20)
Patch to select the next or previous text object if there isn't one under the
cursor. (Daniel Thau, 2013 Nov 20)
patch to add "combine" flag to syntax commands. (so8res, 2012 Dec 6)
Bug caused by patch 7.3.1288? Issue 183.
I can't reproduce it.
Syntax update problem in one buffer opened in two windows, bottom window is
not correctly updated. (Paul Harris, 2012 Feb 27)
Patch to add assignments in cscope. (Uli Meis, Estabrooks, 2012 Sep 1)
Alternate patch by Gary Johnson, Sep 4.
Patch to add getsid(). (Tyru, 2011 Oct 2) Do we want this? Update Oct 4.
Or use expand('<sid>')?
Patch to make confirm() display colors. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Nov 9)
Patch to add functions for signs. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jan 27)
Do we need some way (option) to show the sign column even when there are no
signs? Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Aug 22.
Patch to remove flicker from popup menu. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2013 Aug 15)
Patch to use directX to draw text on Windows. Adds the 'renderoptions'
option. (Taro Muraoka, 2013 Jan 25, update 2013 Apr 3, May 14)
Fixes this problem:
8 Win32: Multi-byte characters are not displayed, even though the same font
in Notepad can display them. (Srinath Avadhanula) Try with the
UTF-8-demo.txt page with Andale Mono.
Patch to add 'completeselect' option. Specifies how to select a candidate in
insert completion. (Shougo, 2013 May 29)
Update to add to existing 'completeopt'. 2013 May 30
Problem with refresh:always in completion. (Tyler Wade, 2013 Mar 17)
b:undo_ftplugin cannot call a script-local function. (Boris Danilov, 2013 Jan
Win32: The Python interface only works with one version of Python, selected at
compile time. Can this be made to work with version 2.1 and 2.2 dynamically?
Python: Be able to define a Python function that can be called directly from
Vim script. Requires converting the arguments and return value, like with
Patch for :tabcloseleft, after closing a tab go to left tab. (William Bowers,
2012 Aug 4)
Patch to improve equivalence classes in regexp patterns.
(Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jan 16, update Jan 17)
Patch with suggestions for starting.txt. (Tony Mechelynck, 2012 Oct 24)
But use Gnome instead of GTK?
Patch to make FocusGained and FocusLost work in modern terminals. (Hayaki
Saito, 2013 Apr 24)
Should be possible to enable/disable matchparen per window or buffer.
Add a check for b:no_match_paren in Highlight_matching_Pair() (Marcin
Szamotulski, 2012 Nov 8)
Crash in autocmd that unloads buffers in a BufUnload event. (Andrew Pimlott,
2012 Aug 11) Disallow :new when BufUnload is being handled?
Issue 72: 'autochdir' causes problems for :vimgrep.
Session file creation: 'autochdir' causes trouble. Keep it off until after
loading all files.
Win32: When 'autochdir' is on and 'encoding' is changed, files on the command
line are opened again, but from the wrong directory. Apply 'autochdir' only
after starting up?
Patch to add ":ldo" and ":cdo", execute commands over quickfix list and
location list. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2013 Jun 2)
8 "stl" and "stlnc" in 'fillchars' don't work for multi-byte characters.
Patch by Christian Wellenbrock, 2013 Jul 5.
MS-Windows resizing problems:
- Windows window on screen positioning: Patch by Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2012 Jun
20. Uses getWindowRect() instead of GetWindowPlacement()
- Win32: When the taskbar is at the top of the screen creating the tabbar
causes the window to move unnecessarily. (William E. Skeith III, 2012 Jan
12) Patch: 2012 Jan 13 Needs more work (2012 Feb 2)
'iminsert' global value set when using ":setlocal iminsert"? (Wu, 2012 Jun 23)
Patch to append regexp to tag commands to make it possible to select one out
Patch to add tagfunc(). Cleaned up by Christian Brabandt, 2013 Jun 22.
Help for 'b:undo_indent'. (Thilo Six, 2012 May 28)
It should be possible to make globpath() return a list instead of a string,
like with glob(). (Greg Novack, 2012 Nov 2)
The input map for CTRL-O in mswin.vim causes problems after CTRL-X CTRL-O.
Suggestion for another map. (Philip Mat, 2012 Jun 18)
But use "gi" instead of "a". Or use CTRL-\ CTRL-O.
Patch to support user name completion on MS-Windows. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012
Aug 16)
When there are no command line arguments ":next" and ":argu" give E163, which
is confusing. Should say "the argument list is empty".
- will get stuck if byte sequence does not contain the expected semicolon.
- Use urxvt mouse support also in xterm. Explanations:
Patch to add tests for if_xcmdsrv.c., Jul 8, need some more work. (Brian Burns)
New tests Jul 13. Update Jul 17. Discussion Jul 18.
When running Vim in silent ex mode, an existing swapfile causes Vim to wait
for a user action without a prompt. (Maarten Billemont, 2012 Feb 3)
Do give the prompt? Quit with an error?
Patch to list user digraphs. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Apr 14)
Patch to add digraph() function. (Christian Brabandt, 2013 Aug 22, update Aug
Patch for input method status. (Hirohito Higashi, 2012 Apr 18)
Update Vim app icon (for Gnome). (Jakub Steiner, 2013 Dec 6)
Patch to use .png icons for the toolbar on MS-Windows. (Martin Gieseking, 2013
Apr 18)
Patch for has('unnamedplus') docs. (Tony Mechelynck, 2011 Sep 27)
And one for gui_x11.txt.
- Patch for 'breakindent' option: repeat indent for wrapped line. (Vaclav
Smilauer, 2004 Sep 13, fix Oct 31, update 2007 May 30)
Version for latest MacVim: Tobia Conforto, 2009 Nov 23
More recent version:
Posted to vim-dev by Taylor Hedberg, 2011 Nov 25
Update by Taylor Hedberg, 2013 May 30.
":cd" doesn't work when current directory path contains "**".
finddir() has the same problem. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2012 Jan 10)
Requires a rewrite of the file_file_in_path code.
Should use has("browsefilter") in ftplugins. Requires patch 7.3.593.
Patch to sort functions starting with '<' after others. Omit dict functions,
they can't be called. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2011 Oct 11)
Patch to pass list to or(), and() and xor(). (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2012 Feb 8)
Patch to improve "it" and "at" text object matching. (Christian Brabandt, 2011
Nov 20)
Patch to improve GUI find/replace dialog. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 May 26)
`] moves to character after insert, instead of the last inserted character.
(Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2011 Dec 9)
Plugin for Modeleasy. (Massimiliano Tripoli, 2011 Nov 29)
BufWinLeave triggers too late when quitting last window in a tab page. (Lech
Lorens, 2012 Feb 21)
Patch for 'transparency' option. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011 Sep 17)
Only for MS-Windows. No documentation. Do we want this?
Patch to support cursor shape in Cygwin console. (Ben bgold, 2011 Dec 27)
Patch to support UTF-8 for Hangul. (Shawn Y.H. Kim, 2011 May 1)
Needs more work. Pinged 2012 Jan 4.
Issue 64: when 'incsearch' is on can't paste LF on command line.
On MS-Windows a temp dir with a & init causes system() to fail. (Ben Fritz,
2012 Jun 19)
'cursorline' is displayed too short when there are concealed characters and
'list' is set. (Dennis Preiser)
Patch 7.3.116 was the wrong solution.
Christian Brabandt has another incomplete patch. (2011 Jul 13)
With concealed text mouse click doesn't put the cursor in the right position.
(Herb Sitz) Fix by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 16. Doesn't work properly,
need to make the change in where RET_WIN_BUF_CHARTABSIZE() is called.
Syntax region with 'concealends' and a 'cchar' value, 'conceallevel' set to 2,
only one of the two ends gets the cchar displayed. (Brett Stahlman, 2010 Aug
21, Ben Fritz, 2010 Sep 14)
'cursorline' works on a text line only. Add 'cursorscreenline' for
highlighting the screen line. (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Mar 31)
Win32: Patch to use task dialogs when available. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011 Sep 17)
New feature, requires testing. Made some remarks.
Win32: Patch for alpha-blended icons and toolbar height. (Sergiu Dotenco, 2011
Sep 17) Asked for feedback from others.
Win32: Cannot cd into a directory that starts with a space. (Andy Wokula, 2012
Jan 19)
Need to escape $HOME on Windows? (ZyX, 2011 Jul 21, discussion 2013 Jul 4)
Can't simply use a backslash, \$HOME has a different meaning already.
Would be possible to use $$HOME where $HOME is to be used.
"2" in 'formatoptions' not working in comments. (Christian Corneliussen, 2011
Bug in repeating Visual "u". (Lawrence Kesteloot, 2010 Dec 20)
With "unamedplus" in 'clipboard' pasting in Visual mode causes error for empty
register. (Michael Seiwald, 2011 Jun 28) I can't reproduce it.
Windows keys not set properly on Windows 7? (cncyber, 2010 Aug 26)
When using a Vim server, a # in the path causes an error message.
(Jeff Lanzarotta, 2011 Feb 17)
Setting $HOME on MS-Windows is not very well documented. Suggestion by Ben
Fritz (2011 Oct 27).
Bug: Windows 7 64 bit system freezes when 'clipboard' set to "unnamed" and
doing ":g/test/d". Putting every delete on the clipboard? (Robert Chan, 2011
Jun 17)
When there is a ">" in a line that "gq" wraps to the start of the next line,
then the following line will pick it up as a leader. Should get the leader
from the first line, not a wrapped line. (Matt Ackeret, 2012 Feb 27)
Using ":break" or something else that stops executing commands inside a
":finally" does not rethrow a previously uncaught exception. (ZyX, 2010 Oct
Vim using lots of memory when joining lines. (John Little, 2010 Dec 3)
BT regexp engine: After trying a \@> match and failing, submatches are not
cleared. See test64.
Changes to manpage plugin. (Elias Toivanen, 2011 Jul 25)
Patch to make "z=" work when 'spell' is off. Does this have nasty side
effects? (Christian Brabandt, 2012 Aug 5, Update 2013 Aug 12)
Would also need to do this for spellbadword() and spellsuggest().
On 64 bit MS-Windows "long" is only 32 bits, but we sometimes need to store a
64 bits value. Change all number options to use nropt_T and define it to the
right type.
string() can't parse back "inf" and "nan". Fix documentation or fix code?
When doing "redir => s:foo" in a script and then "redir END" somewhere else
(e.g. in a function) it can't find s:foo.
When a script contains "redir => s:foo" but doesn't end redirection, a
following "redir" command gives an error for not being able to access s:foo.
(ZyX, 2011 Mar 27)
When setqflist() uses a filename that triggers a BufReadCmd autocommand Vim
doesn't jump to the correct line with :cfirst. (ZyX, 2011 Sep 18)
Behavior of i" and a" text objects isn't logical. (Ben Fritz, 2013 Nov 19)
7 Make "ga" show the digraph for a character, if it exists.
Patch from Christian Brabandt, 2011 Aug 19.
maparg() does not show the <script> flag. When temporarily changing a
mapping, how to restore the script ID?
Bug in try/catch: return with invalid compare throws error that isn't caught.
(ZyX, 2011 Jan 26)
When setting a local option value from the global value, add a script ID that
indicates this, so that ":verbose set" can give a hint. Check with options in
the help file.
After patch 7.3.097 still get E15. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2011 Jan 18)
Also for another example (ZyX, 2011 Jan 24)
Build problem with small features on Mac OS X 10.6. (Rainer, 2011 Jan 24)
"0g@$" puts '] on last byte of multi-byte. (ZyX, 2011 Jan 22)
Patch to support sorting on floating point number. (Alex Jakushev, 2010 Oct
Patch to addd TextDeletePost and TextYankPost events. (Philippe Vaucher, 2011
May 24) Update May 26.
Patch for :tabrecently. (Hirokazu Yoshida, 2012 Jan 30)
Problem with "syn sync grouphere". (Gustavo Niemeyer, 2011 Jan 27)
Loading autoload script even when usage is inside "if 0". (Christian Brabandt,
2010 Dec 18)
With a filler line in diff mode, it isn't displayed in the column with line
number, but it is in the sign column. Doesn't look right. (ZyX 2011 Jun 5)
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jun 5. Introduces new problems.
Add jump() function. (Marcin Szamotulski, 2013 Aug 29)
Is this needed? CTRL-O and CTRL-I do the same, just more difficult to use.
8 Add a command to jump to the next character highlighted with "Error".
Patch by Christian Brabandt, uses ]e [e ]t and [t. 2011 Aug 9.
8 Add an event like CursorHold that is triggered repeatedly, not just once
after typing something.
Need for CursorHold that retriggers. Use a key that doesn't do anything, or a
function that resets did_cursorhold.
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 May 6.
7 Use "++--", "+++--" for different levels instead of "+---" "+----".
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jul 27.
Update by Ben Fritz, with fix for TOhtml. (2011 Jul 30)
9 Add %F to 'errorformat': file name without spaces. Useful on Unix to
avoid matching something up to a time 11:22:33.
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2011 Jul 27.
Patch to add up to 99 match groups. (Christian Brabandt, 2010 Dec 22)
Also add named groups: \%{name}(re) and \%{name}g
In the sandbox it's not allowed to do many things, but it's possible to change
or set variables. Add a way to prevent variables from being changed in the
sandbox? E.g.: ":protect g:restore_settings".
GTK: drawing a double-width combining character over single-width characters
doesn't look right. (Dominique Pelle, 2010 Aug 8)
GTK: tear-off menu does not work. (Kurt Sonnenmoser, 2010 Oct 25)
Win32: tear-off menu does not work when menu language is German. (Markus
Bossler, 2011 Mar 2) Fixed by 7.3.095?
Version of netbeans.c for use with MacVim. (Kazuki Sakamoto, 2010 Nov 18)
7.3.014 changed how backslash at end of line works, but still get a NUL when
there is one backslash. (Ray Frush, 2010 Nov 18) What does the original ex
Searching mixed with Visual mode doesn't redraw properly. (James Vega, 2010 Nov
New esperanto spell file can't be processed. (Dominique Pelle, 2011 Jan 30)
- move compflags to separate growarray?
- instead of a regexp use a hashtable. Expand '?', '*', '+'. What would be
the maximum repeat for * and +?
"L'Italie" noted as a spell error at start of the sentence. (Dominique Pelle,
2011 Feb 27)
Editing a file with a ^M with 'ff' set to "mac", opening a help file, then the
^M is displayed as ^J sometimes. Getting 'ff' value from wrong window/buffer?
'colorcolumn' has higher priority than hlsearch. Should probably be the other
way around. (Nazri Ramliy, 2013 Feb 19)
When Vim is put in the background (SIGTSTP) and then gets a SIGHUP it doesn't
exit. It exists as soon as back in the foreground. (Stephen Liang, 2011 Jan
9) Caused by vim_handle_signal(SIGNAL_BLOCK); in ui.c.
g` not working correctly when using :edit. It works OK when editing a file on
the command line. (Ingo Karkat, 2011 Jan 25)
Since patch 7.2.46 Yankring plugin has become very slow, eventually make Vim
crash? (Raiwil, 2010 Nov 17)
Patch to add FoldedLineNr highlighting: different highlighting for the line
number of a closed fold. (eXerigumo Clanjor, 2013 Jul 15)
Does not work with NFA regexp engine:
- \%u, \%x, \%o, \%d followed by a composing character
Regexp engine performance:
- Profiling:
./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/ruby.vim
./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/loop.vim
./vim -u NONE -s ~/vim/test/alsa.vim
./vim -s ~/vim/test/todo.vim
./vim -s ~/vim/test/xml.vim
Dominique Pelle: xmlSyncDT is particularly slow (Jun 7)
- More test files from the src/pkg/regexp/testdata directory in the Go repo.
- Performance tests:
- Using asciidoc syntax. (Marek Schimara, 2013 Jun 6)
- ~/vim/text/FeiqCfg.xml (file from Netjune)
- ~/vim/text/edl.svg (also XML)
- glts has five tests. (May 25)
- ~/vim/test/slowsearch
- ~/vim/test/rgb.vim
- search for a.*e*exn in the vim executable. Go to last line to use
- Slow combination of folding and PHP syntax highlighting. Script to
reproduce it. Caused by "syntax sync fromstart" in combination with patch
7.2.274. (Christian Brabandt, 2010 May 27) Generally, folding with
'foldmethod' set to "syntax" is slow. Do profiling to find out why.
Patch to add 'systemencoding', convert between 'encoding' and this for file
names, shell commands and the like. (Kikuchan, 2010 Oct 14)
Assume the system converts between the actual encoding of the filesystem to
the system encoding (usually utf-8).
Patch to add GUI colors to the terminal, when it supports it. (ZyX, 2013 Jan
Problem producing tags file when hebrew.frx is present. It has a BOM.
Results in E670. (Tony Mechelynck, 2010 May 2)
Ruby: ":ruby print $buffer.number" returns zero.
setpos() does not restore cursor position after :normal. (Tyru, 2010 Aug 11)
7 The 'directory' option supports changing path separators to "%" to make
file names unique, also support this for 'backupdir'. (Mikolaj Machowski)
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2010 Oct 21.
getpos()/setpos() don't include curswant. getpos() could return a fifth
element. setpos() could accept an optional fifth element.
Patch by Christian Brabandt, 2010 Sep 6. Again 2013 Aug 22.
With "tw=55 fo+=a" typing space before ) doesn't work well. (Scott Mcdermott,
2010 Oct 24)
Patch to add random number generator. (Hong Xu, 2010 Nov 8, update Nov 10)
Alternative from Christian Brabandt. (2010 Sep 19)
Messages in message.txt are highlighted as examples.
When using cp850 the NBSP (0xff) is not drawn correctly. (Brett Stahlman, 2010
Oct 22) 'isprint' is set to "@,161-255".
":echo "\x85" =~# '[\u0085]'" returns 1 instead of 0. (ZyX, 2010 Oct 3)
'cindent' not correct when 'list' is set. (Zdravi Korusef, 2010 Apr 15)
C-indenting: A matching { in a comment is ignored, but intermediate { are not
checked to be in a comment. Implement FM_SKIPCOMM flag of findmatchlimit().
Issue 46.
When 'paste' is changed with 'pastetoggle', the ruler doesn't reflect this
right away. (Samuel Ferencik, 2010 Dec 7)
Mac with X11: clipboard doesn't work properly. (Raf, 2010 Aug 16)
Using CompilerSet doesn't record where an option was set from. E.g., in the
gcc compiler plugin. (Gary Johnson, 2010 Dec 13)
":helpgrep" does not put the cursor in the correct column when preceded by
accented character. (Tony Mechelynck, 2010 Apr 15)
Don't call check_restricted() for histadd(), setbufvar(), settabvar(),
Patch for GVimExt to show an icon. (Dominik Riebeling, 2010 Nov 7)
When writing a file > 2Gbyte, the reported number of bytes is negative.
(Antonio Colombo, 2010 Dec 18)
Patch: Let rare word highlighting overrule good word highlighting.
(Jakson A. Aquino, 2010 Jul 30, again 2011 Jul 2)
When 'lines' is 25 and 'scrolloff' is 12, "j" scrolls zero or two lines
instead of one. (Constantin Pan, 2010 Sep 10)
Crash in setqflist(). (Benoit Mortgat, 2010 Nov 18)
Gui menu edit/paste in block mode insert only inserts in one line (Bjorn
Winckler, 2011 May 11)
Requires a map mode for Insert mode started from blockwise Visual mode.
Writing nested List and Dict in viminfo gives error message and can't be read
back. (Yukihiro Nakadaira, 2010 Nov 13)
Problem with cursor in the wrong column. (SungHyun Nam, 2010 Mar 11)
Additional info by Dominique Pelle. (also on 2010 Apr 10)
CreateFile and CreateFileW are used without sharing, filewritable() fails when
the file was already open (e.g. script is being sourced). Add FILE_SHARE_READ|
FILE_SHARE_WRITE in mch_access()? (Phillippe Vaucher, 2010 Nov 2)
Is ~/bin (literally) in $PATH supposed to work? (Paul, 2010 March 29)
Looks like only bash can do it. (Yakov Lerner)
Cscope "cs add" stopped working somewhat before 7.2.438. (Gary Johnson, 2010
Jun 29) Caused by 7.2.433?
I often see pasted text (from Firefox, to Vim in xterm) appear twice.
Also, Vim in xterm sometimes loses copy/paste ability (probably after running
an external command).
Jumplist doesn't work properly in Insert mode? (Jean Johner, 2010 Mar 20)
Problem with transparent cmdline. Also: Terminal title is wrong with
non-ASCII character. (Lily White, 2010 Mar 7)
iconv() doesn't fail on an illegal character, as documented. (Yongwei Wu, 2009
Nov 15, example Nov 26) Add argument to specify whether iconv() should fail
or replace with a character and continue?
Add local time at start of --startuptime output.
Requires configure check for localtime().
Use format year-month-day hr:min:sec.
Patch to add "combine" to :syntax, combines highlight attributes. (Nate
Soares, 2012 Dec 3)
Patch to make ":hi link" also take arguments. (Nate Soares, 2012 Dec 4)
Shell not recognized properly if it ends in "csh -f". (James Vega, 2009 Nov 3)
Find tail? Might have a / in argument. Find space? Might have space in
Test 51 fails when language set to German. (Marco, 2011 Jan 9)
":function f(x) keepjumps" creates a function where every command is executed
like it has ":keepjumps" before it.
Coverity: ask someone to create new user: Dominique.
Check if there are new reported defects:
Patch to support :undo absolute jump to file save number. (Christian Brabandt,
2010 Nov 5)
Patch to use 'foldnextmax' also for "marker" foldmethod. (Arnaud Lacombe, 2011
Jan 7)
Bug with 'incsearch' going to wrong line. (Wolfram Kresse, 2009 Aug 17)
Only with "vim -u NONE".
Problem with editing file in binary mode. (Ingo Krabbe, 2009 Oct 8)
With 'wildmode' set to "longest:full,full" and pressing Tab once the first
entry in wildmenu is highlighted, that shouldn't happen. (Yuki Watanabe, 2011
Feb 12)
Display error when 'tabline' that includes a file name with double-width
characters. (2010 Aug 14, bootleq)
Problem with stop directory in findfile(). (Adam Simpkins, 2009 Aug 26)
Using ']' as the end of a range in a pattern requires double escaping:
/[@-\\]] (Andy Wokula, 2011 Jun 28)
Syntax priority problem. (Charles Campbell, 2011 Sep 15)
When completion inserts the first match, it may trigger the line to be folded.
Disable updating folds while completion is active? (Peter Odding, 2010 Jun 9)
When a:base in 'completefunc' starts with a number it's passed as a number,
not a string. (Sean Ma) Need to add flag to call_func_retlist() to force a
string value.
Invalid read error in Farsi mode. (Dominique Pelle, 2009 Aug 2)
For running gvim on an USB stick: avoid the OLE registration. Use a command
line argument -noregister.
When using an expression in 'statusline' leading white space sometimes goes
missing (but not always). (ZyX, 2010 Nov 1)
When a mapping exists both for insert mode and lang-insert mode, the last one
doesn't work. (Tyru, 2010 May 6) Or is this intended?
Still a problem with ":make" in the wrong directory. Caused by ":bufdo".
(Ajit Thakkar, 2009 Jul 1) More information Jul 9, Jul 15.
Caused by "doautoall syntaxset BufEnter *" in syntax/nosyntax.vim ?
There also is a BufLeave/BufEnter aucmd to save/restore view.
Does the patch to save/restore globaldir work?
":bufdo normal gg" while 'hidden' is set leaves buffers without syntax
highlighting. Don't disable Syntax autocommands then? Or add a flag/modifier
to avoid changing 'eventignore'?
Patch for displaying 0x200c and 0x200d. (Ali Gholami Rudi, 2009 May 6)
Probably needs a bit of work.
List of encoding aliases. (Takao Fujiwara, 2009 Jul 18)
Win32: Improved Makefile for MSVC. (Leonardo Valeri Manera, 2010 Aug 18)
Win32: Expanding 'path' runs into a maximum size limit. (bgold12, 2009 Nov 15)
Win32: Patch for enabling quick edit mode in console. (Craig Barkhouse, 2010
Sep 1)
Win32: Patch for using .png files for icons. (Charles Peacech, 2012 Feb 5)
Putting a Visual block while 'visualedit' is "all" does not leave the cursor
on the first character. (John Beckett, 2010 Aug 7)
Setting 'tags' to "tagsdir/*" does not find "tagsdir/tags". (Steven K. Wong,
2009 Jul 18)
Patch to add farsi handling to arabic.c (Ali Gholami Rudi, 2009 May 2)
Added test, updates, June 23.
Updated for 7.4:
Patch to add "focusonly" to 'scrollopt', so that scrollbind also applies in
window that doesn't have focus. (Jonathon Mah, 2009 Jan 12)
Needs more work.
Problem with <script> mappings (Andy Wokula, 2009 Mar 8)
When starting Vim with "gvim -f -u non_existent_file > foo.txt" there are a
few control characters in the output. (Dale Wiles, 2009 May 28)
'cmdwinheight' is only used in last window when 'winheight' is a large value.
(Tony Mechelynck, 2009 Apr 15)
Status line containing winnr() isn't updated when splitting the window (Clark
J. Wang, 2009 Mar 31)
When $VIMRUNTIME is set in .vimrc, need to reload lang files. Already done
for GTK, how about others? (Ron Aaron, 2010 Apr 10)
Patch for GTK buttons X1Mouse and X2Mouse. (Christian J. Robinson, 2010 Aug 9)
Motif: Build on Ubuntu can't enter any text in dialog text fields.
When 'ft' changes redraw custom status line.
":tab split fname" doesn't set the alternate file in the original window,
because win_valid() always returns FALSE. Below win_new_tabpage() in
Space before comma in function definition not allowed: "function x(a , b)"
Give a more appropriate error message. Add a remark to the docs.
string_convert() should be able to convert between utf-8 and utf-16le. Used
for GTK clipboard. Avoid requirement for iconv.
Now that colnr_T is int instead of unsigned, more type casts can be removed.
'delcombine' does not work for the command line. (Tony Mechelynck, 2009 Jul
Don't load macmap.vim on startup, turn it into a plugin. (Ron Aaron,
2009 Apr 7) Reminder Apr 14.
Add "no_hlsearch" to winsaveview().
Cursorline highlighting combines with Search ('hlsearch') but not with
SpellBad. (Jim Karsten, 2009 Mar 18)
When 'foldmethod' is "indent", adding an empty line below a fold and then
indented text, creates a new fold instead of joining it with the previous one.
(Evan Laforge, 2009 Oct 17)
Bug: When reloading a buffer changed outside of Vim, BufRead autocommands
are applied to the wrong buffer/window. (Ben Fritz, 2009 Apr 2, May 11)
Ignore window options when not in the right window?
Perhaps we need to use a hidden window for applying autocommands to a buffer
that doesn't have a window.
When using "ab foo bar" and mapping <Tab> to <Esc>, pressing <Tab> after foo
doesn't trigger the abbreviation like <Esc> would. (Ramana Kumar, 2009 Sep 6)
getbufvar() to get a window-local option value for a buffer that's not
displayed in a window should return the value that's stored for that buffer.
":he ctrl_u" can be auto-corrected to ":he ctrl-u".
There should be a way after an abbreviation has expanded to go back to what
was typed. CTRL-G h ? Would also undo last word or line break inserted
perhaps. And undo CTRL-W. CTRL-G l would redo.
Diff mode out of sync. (Gary Johnson, 2010 Aug 4)
Support a 'systemencoding' option (for Unix). It specifies the encoding of
file names. (Kikuchan, 2010 Oct 5). Useful on a latin1 or double-byte Asian
system when 'encoding' is "utf-8".
Win32 GUI: last message from startup doesn't show up when there is an echoerr
command. (Cyril Slobin, 2009 Mar 13)
Win32: use different args for SearchPath()? (Yasuhiro Matsumoto, 2009 Jan 30)
Win32: completion of file name ":e c:\!test" results in ":e c:\\!test", which
does not work. (Nieko Maatjes, 2009 Jan 8, Ingo Karkat, 2009 Jan 22)
opening/closing window causes other window with 'winfixheight' to change
height. Also happens when there is another window in the frame, if it's not
very high. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2010 Jul 22, Michael Peeters, 2010 Jul 22)
Directory wrong in session file, caused by ":lcd" in BufEnter autocommand.
(Felix Kater, 2009 Mar 3)
Session file generates error upon loading, cause by --remote-silent-tab.
Using ~ works OK on 'a' with composing char, but not on 0x0418 with composing